A Contagious Smile Podcast

Laughter and Legacy: Faith's Epic Pranks, Michael's Colonoscopy Fiasco, and the Essence of Family Connection in a Digital World

July 08, 2024 Victora Cuore; A Contagious Smile, Who Kicked First, Domestic Violence Survivor, Advocate, Motivational Coach, Special Needs, Abuse Support, Life Skill Classes, Special Needs Social Groups
Laughter and Legacy: Faith's Epic Pranks, Michael's Colonoscopy Fiasco, and the Essence of Family Connection in a Digital World
A Contagious Smile Podcast
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A Contagious Smile Podcast
Laughter and Legacy: Faith's Epic Pranks, Michael's Colonoscopy Fiasco, and the Essence of Family Connection in a Digital World
Jul 08, 2024
Victora Cuore; A Contagious Smile, Who Kicked First, Domestic Violence Survivor, Advocate, Motivational Coach, Special Needs, Abuse Support, Life Skill Classes, Special Needs Social Groups

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Have you ever sent someone a "for rectal use only" label just to see their reaction? That's just the beginning of the hilarity in this episode as we share side-splitting stories of Faith's mischievous pranks leading up to Michael's colonoscopy. We also explore Michael's amusing struggle to pronounce "digestion," which adds another layer of humor to his pre-procedure jitters. Amidst the laughter, we pause to send heartfelt condolences to Dave Campbell on the loss of his beloved pet, Dookie Dook, and recount the adorable antics of our protective pet, Stucco, who never fails to steal the spotlight.

In a more reflective segment, we discuss eye-opening social experiments that reveal how absorbed people have become with their phones, often missing critical moments around them. We contrast modern parenting with that of past generations, emphasizing the importance of family engagement and genuine connections. Personal anecdotes about screen-free dinners and board game nights underscore the value of these interactions, with a particularly touching story of our daughter's simple birthday wish to spend time with her family, highlighting the essence of true connection in a digital age.

Our conversation takes a turn towards the political with lighthearted debates about the attractiveness and honesty of past U.S. presidents and first ladies. Personal preferences and humorous opinions make this segment both engaging and entertaining. We also touch on personal achievements like writing a book, adding depth to our discussion. Wrapping up, we talk about enhancing your social media presence with valuable tips and resources, extend condolences to Faith's previous godmother's family, and end on a fun note about heading to the craft room. Tune in for a delightful mix of humor, heart, and thoughtful reflection.

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Have you ever sent someone a "for rectal use only" label just to see their reaction? That's just the beginning of the hilarity in this episode as we share side-splitting stories of Faith's mischievous pranks leading up to Michael's colonoscopy. We also explore Michael's amusing struggle to pronounce "digestion," which adds another layer of humor to his pre-procedure jitters. Amidst the laughter, we pause to send heartfelt condolences to Dave Campbell on the loss of his beloved pet, Dookie Dook, and recount the adorable antics of our protective pet, Stucco, who never fails to steal the spotlight.

In a more reflective segment, we discuss eye-opening social experiments that reveal how absorbed people have become with their phones, often missing critical moments around them. We contrast modern parenting with that of past generations, emphasizing the importance of family engagement and genuine connections. Personal anecdotes about screen-free dinners and board game nights underscore the value of these interactions, with a particularly touching story of our daughter's simple birthday wish to spend time with her family, highlighting the essence of true connection in a digital age.

Our conversation takes a turn towards the political with lighthearted debates about the attractiveness and honesty of past U.S. presidents and first ladies. Personal preferences and humorous opinions make this segment both engaging and entertaining. We also touch on personal achievements like writing a book, adding depth to our discussion. Wrapping up, we talk about enhancing your social media presence with valuable tips and resources, extend condolences to Faith's previous godmother's family, and end on a fun note about heading to the craft room. Tune in for a delightful mix of humor, heart, and thoughtful reflection.

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Speaker 1:

Good evening and welcome to a painfully funny episode of A Contagious Smile, unstoppable with my husband, soon to be nominated, michael the Squirt.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, that shit ain't funny.

Speaker 1:

So my husband will soon be preparing for a colonoscopy and, as y'all know, faith and her daddy love pranking one another. So now that the cat's out of the bag, I can say Faith got quite a few. I won't say how many, but quite a few. You know, when you go to the drugstore and they have those labels that they put on the prescriptions, like if you were to get, say, a suppository or whatever, and they put on the bottle for rectal use only only. Well, she may have got her hands on some and she's been putting them any and everywhere. So, like earlier, my husband pulled out his keyboard and mouse there's one on the mouse and then there's one on the wipe off board and there's one on the keyboard and his huge jug of crap that he has to drink in preparatory work of the colonoscopy. I mean, this is just, it's kind of fun. So my husband comes in and says I don't even know how they're still together anymore. And I'm like what, what are you talking about? And what was your answer to it?

Speaker 2:

I don't understand how they're still together after all the shit that's been through them.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And you said who? And I said my butt cheeks.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's funny. And the redneck word of today is digestion, because my husband tried to say digestion the other day. I have no idea. I don't even think I can come up with how he said it. How did you say it? With best faith, like you said something it was. It was a mix of a lonely like. I don't even know how he came up with it it was.

Speaker 2:

It wasn't as bad as July, right.

Speaker 1:

We're not going to do that one, okay. But people who listen to you say that can dissect it for themselves.

Speaker 2:

What? June, july, august. Okay, that's all you guys have to say.

Speaker 1:

Okay, yeah, he doesn't sound like he's saying July, yeah, like he's like Everybody knows I'm saying it sound like he's saying july. Yeah, like he's. Like everybody knows, I'm saying it. Okay, so we're learning day by day that you know he's having more and more, uh, english issues, if you will. So that's a fun one. So what's been happening in your world there squirts you got jokes I think it's hilarious faith. Wants to take you for uh, frosty I bet this shit is not funny. It is hilarious no guy, no guy no, let's see.

Speaker 2:

No straight guy wants anything going up that canal.

Speaker 1:

Yes, okay, but in all y'all can stay out of my flesh crevice but, in all fairness, faye has been going like look dad, and showing him the.

Speaker 2:

The tube is only four feet long like this, and she first did with two, and then it was three and now it's four, right? And now it's got some attachments it does great.

Speaker 1:

It has like little scissory things. Oh, you're hilarious, because if they find a palm up in there, they cut it off and take it out and biopsy it.

Speaker 2:

And what kind of shit did I find up there?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there's no telling, it's my matchbox car from 1946.

Speaker 2:

No, my name's not Richard.

Speaker 1:

You will get it. Wow, I didn't say that. That didn't come from me. I'll get blamed. That didn't come from me.

Speaker 2:

Richard Gere, nice save.

Speaker 1:

That's a good save there. So my husband again it's like a broken record. I don't like podcasting because I'm not any good at it. I like doing it and he actually even admits later on afterwards that he thoroughly enjoyed doing some of them. But he thinks he sucks at it and every single person tells a different, by the way, I need to take a moment I have to take a moment and send the biggest hug to my work husband, Dave Campbell, because he lost Dookie Dook.

Speaker 2:

Really Another butt joke.

Speaker 1:

No, this one was not a butt joke. Don't say Dookie Dook. Dook was the coolest. It was like my Dook today was stuck to me and my heart just broke when I found out he passed.

Speaker 2:

It's very sad when you lose a loved one as your pet, as your child. So yes our heart goes out to Dave.

Speaker 1:

We're also going to upload a video that I took the other night. My husband will have to tell you when my husband tries to get a little frisky-frisky with his wife over here Stucco is like no. And so every time he would try to come over and touch me, Stucco would literally push him away. Not only does he push him away, but he lets him know that it's my mom back up off of her. So how do you describe what he does?

Speaker 2:

Annoying. That's what he does. He is not. I try to hug you, kiss you, touch you, whatever, get cuddly with you, and he's right there in the middle. He pushes me away, he puts his paw on me. He stretches out, he puts his paw on you. He snuggles the heck out of you. He wraps his paws in his in my hand.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, he puts one on one shoulder and one palm the other shoulder and then he just looks at yeah, he makes sure he goes. Okay, he keeps looking. So tell him how we started this video, because it's hilarious like people have to go watch this. So he comes up. I'm working in bed taking notes, my husband, what's that supposed to?

Speaker 2:

mean you work like 27 hours a day.

Speaker 1:

So my husband comes up and all of a sudden, here comes Rusty, here comes Stucco, uno's learning he's getting there. So he comes up and he's trying to like touch my leg and out of nowhere, stucco with the invisible cape Jumps up. And he's trying to like, touch my leg and out of nowhere, stucco with the invisible cape jumps up and just plops down on top of me with his head on my chest. And every time my husband reaches over, stucco takes his paw and pushes him off or pats him off. And it's super, stop it. It's super, super cute. Yes, I don't wear black socks.

Speaker 1:

I am because I couldn't find all my white socks, so I have black socks Thanks to face the devil. Hey, blame your kid.

Speaker 2:

I blame the devil.

Speaker 1:

The devil.

Speaker 2:

What's a devil? The devil you know, Satan.

Speaker 1:

Here we go again. We only do one word a show. I don't know what you're doing. Wow, seriously.

Speaker 2:

Black socks are of the devil. They're gross. Take them off.

Speaker 1:

Are you kidding?

Speaker 2:

No, take it all off. This is a. This is not PG-13.

Speaker 1:

Well, uh-uh, there's nothing alluring. And women will tell you there's nothing alluring after I walk in the bedroom to make sure you're okay. To walk into the bedroom to make sure you're okay and get farted and gassed out of the room because you're in the bathroom.

Speaker 2:

You should have been in the military with us. Don't put that mustard gas.

Speaker 1:

I did not spray to their seat, I said mustard gas.

Speaker 1:

No, thank you, let's not talk about that. Thank you, but no, thank you, nope. Next subject but I literally go in there and he's like you might not want to be in here, and I walk into faith's room and said I don't know what you did or who I need to talk to, but I need to lose my sense of smell before dad's phone asked me, because we've already told him. There's like he's not allowed to use my bathroom and at that point it becomes my bathroom. So what, you have to go to the other bathroom down the hall because when that shit hits the fan and it will I have to sleep in that room, even though it's only for an hour or whatever. I am not going to have a monster headache due to the shit coming out of you. Forget it, not going to happen, nope. Well, sorry my lovey, but no, no no, no, no, no, no no.

Speaker 2:

I thought we were on this side.

Speaker 1:

We are now. I'm just saying Women will understand Back up to.

Speaker 2:

Dave and Duke.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Just give a shout out for his podcast. He has like seven shows Y'all go to his shows and listen to Dave. He's amazing. He's a Yankee.

Speaker 1:

He's a Yankee from Canada.

Speaker 2:

That doesn't make him a Yankee. He's a Yankee from Canada.

Speaker 1:

That doesn't make him a Yankee it does not.

Speaker 2:

That's a.

Speaker 1:

Yankee in my book. I'm not going to let him hear that part. Oh, he's going to hear this. He's the one who chaps your ass. You're great on a podcast. You've been on his show. What's his show called? Well, he has Living the Next Chapter. He has the dad podcast. You can look him up by what? Dave campbell. Yeah, I gotta use google how to podcast and he just shows up everywhere. Oh, you better stop.

Speaker 2:

Oh, he's old, he is not him and I are both old, you might be. You can say I'm old, now I'm 50. You're what? 50, 50. Am I not saying it right, 50?, 50?, that's what I said 50.

Speaker 1:

It's not what you said Gosh. No, and I will not be wearing my hearing aids the prep day. Good, I don't wear mine Because that thing, I can hear a frog fart and I am not wearing them to listen to you. Plop, plop, fizz, fizz. By the way, faith goes. Last night, and she's having so much fun with this, she starts playing that song from the Steve Martin movie Parenthood. You know, when you're sliding into first and you feel something burst, diarrhea, diarrhea. You know, it's so cute. It's so cute.

Speaker 2:

What's cute is her nose ring.

Speaker 1:

Yes, she got her nose re-pierced today.

Speaker 2:

Because she's doing very good in the healing process.

Speaker 1:

y'all, Well, there's been some setbacks, but she is just a champ, she's doing way better than anybody thought she's here, she's a champ, you know.

Speaker 1:

She had got her nose pierced and then all this happened and they took her nose ring out. She was not happy and you know what? She's really freaking cute with it. It is so, so cute. And she wanted me to get it and I was like daddy will divorce me? And she's like daddy A might be dumb, but he's not that dumb and you need to get your nose pierced. And I said I can't, I have surgery coming up. And so I said you know, I don't think he'd be happy if I got my nose pierced and she's, you know.

Speaker 1:

I know you wouldn't be, but we're also all about to get tattooed. Okay, sorry, Go ahead with your dad.

Speaker 2:

So Let me bring the microphone in real quick, ladies. No, so those of y'all out there with conditions that are not optimal for, maybe, longevity in life or that have been given bad news here. I worked with down in Florida and Trey, you know who you are I won't mention your name. You just did, oh, did I. Yep, there is hope, brother, just because the doctors say that's why it's called practicing medicine. It's stage four of whatever and they want to put you on chemo. Uh, don't give up hope, don't don't quit fight.

Speaker 2:

I mean, you got a beautiful family to live for they need you as dad and husband. Uh, we've watched our Miracle Girl go from, like she says dancing with the. Reaper. I mean on the other side for 11 seconds, more than once, more than once, and came back and has blossomed from shit that they said she would never do and she's doing it. So there is hope, y'all there is, you know. Faith, there's prayer, you know there's. God in there, so y'all don't give up on yourself, because others are coming on you.

Speaker 1:

Is there pollen in here, or are you crying?

Speaker 2:

No, I want to say that to my buddy, trey. I won't mention his name, but he knows who he is, trey.

Speaker 1:

So let's talk about this video that's out there of this man who is coming up behind a parent with a child and snatching his kids, oh Okay. So that was a, of course.

Speaker 2:

Snatching his kids, oh Okay so that was a of course it was set up Right. You know, as guys, when we're on the toilet, we have to scroll through our TikTok and I come across this where one or two guys would snatch a child off the street in a mock setup. Which snatches a child off the street in a mock setup, and people around the street just walking by or walking in front or, I'm sorry, walking behind the child, watch this man grab this child and run into a very dark alley.

Speaker 1:

Before you say anything else you have to preface the fact that the participants knew, but the bystanders did not, right, so the bystanders have no idea. Okay, go ahead.

Speaker 2:

So you know it could be construed as a prank, but the seriousness behind it you know all the videos that we saw. There was like one woman that actually done something out of out of probably 10, 10 attempts on this. One woman stepped up and shouted and went after the you know so-called assailant and child and then you know for them to come out and say, hey, this is a joke, you're being pranked, there's a camera over there. A joke, you're being pranked, there's a camera over there. But it's just, it's a sad state that we live in that these children can be snatched right in front of other people and no one gives a shit.

Speaker 1:

Shit's a very big word with you tonight, Ah, ah, ah.

Speaker 2:

But I mean, what's your thoughts on that?

Speaker 1:

That we are not living in the world we were in a while ago, years ago, because nobody cares about anything but themselves. And this video everybody's like hit down on the phone, which number one is a huge red flag for people to get something happen to them because they're not watching their surroundings and their whereabouts. But nobody was like, oh my God, somebody just took the kid. Like there's no reaction. That is appropriate for the situation. Most people just kept looking at their phone, continue walking, nothing, no, no, nothing. And it's sad. I mean, what if it was their kid You're going to tell them thank you, here's money for a happy meal. I thank you, here's money for a happy meal.

Speaker 1:

I mean, you know, it's like more people today are having kids as tax write-offs than they are for having children. I mean growing up. If I had gone to my grandparents and said I want to play scrabble, everything stopped, unless it was, you know, medical in nature, because my grandfather was diabetic and had heart problems. Then everything was done like, okay, let's go play scrabble, or, you know, I want to go learn the piano. Like stop, let's go, let's go do it. And now it's like here's your phone, go play an app, or you know here's your.

Speaker 1:

The kids are on the phone over 12 plus hours a day and school's teaching them to use these electronics too, because everything's done on the ipad or some form of tablet, and it's like those aren't babysitters you know, pretty soon they're gonna have just an apple spokesperson come down on a screen.

Speaker 1:

It says morning class. Start on your pad, go for your day. You won't even have teachers anymore and it's sad because we were. We were watching for a moment. My husband plays video games and we all know my stance on video games, but every video game has violence in it and I've heard so many people say minecraft doesn't. Yes, it does, it blows up stuff. And you know, when we were, when we were young, we had Frogger what are you gonna do Whatever frog? We had Pac-Man. You know we had those kinds of games. Now you have these games where even seven and eight year olds what was it? The game that the eight year olds tell us about were Call of Duty. They're eight, they're eight. That's wildly not appropriate, not appropriate, and I just think that so many people are so self-involved that it's just you know.

Speaker 1:

Oh, something happened, oh I'll track their phone later, or you know whatever, and it's not right the whole like image or and I don't mean images in like, the whole like image or, and I don't mean images in like metaphorically, I'm just saying like everybody being together at our table at dinner every night. There is no electronics, there's no hats, there's you know how was your day? Let's have a conversation, let's, you know. And then every weekend there's daddy-daughter movie night. And you know, there's times we play games as a family and they're not video games. They, you know, there's times we play games as a family and they're not video games, they're actual games.

Speaker 1:

And to me that is so much more important. You know, like our daughter, who has a birthday coming up we're not going to say her age, but it's a big birthday and you would think that she would want to do something, not what she's asking for, right, said I just want to be with you guys, I want to be with my family. And we said well, do you want to go anywhere, do you want to do anything? And her answer was I just want to be with my family. Like, I know I'm safe, I know I'm loved, I know I'm taken care of and I have so much fun and I can't say it with certainty that I can name a day that we have not all laughed so hard at one another. I can't do, mostly me. No, we laugh at everybody. I mean we do, and and everybody knows, it's just in fun, like we all know that, and it's hilarious because I'm sorry, but Faith can hold her own. I mean you got to give that kid credit. She will. She will take you to the cleaners in a heartbeat and she is so, don't you dare say it's your son. She is so quick witted I mean just as quick witted as can be before she he even finishes. She's ready and it's fantastic. I absolutely love it and that's how it's supposed to be.

Speaker 1:

I mean, you look forward to coming home, you look forward to being with your family and just not the rhetoric. We don't even like going anywhere. We don't want to deal with the traffic and the crap of just dealing with crap. He's not a lot today, but no, you seem not to be but just the whole family it's. That's what's important. I mean, think about it. Your job will come go, even if you transition often or you stay in a job for a career that goes. Your cars change, your friends change, but your family doesn't. You know we can't pick our family. We can pick our nose and you seem to pick your ass, but we can't pick our family. And family doesn't have to be blood related, thank God. Pick our family, and family doesn't have to be blood related, thank God. But you know, after attempts on both of our parts, we finally got it right and this is you know our perfect family.

Speaker 2:

I'm curious as far as what state those were filmed in, or what country you know does that make a big difference, like right now down in Texas. You've got protesters or American citizens showing their Second Amendment right to carry firearms. They're down there with ARs and they're strapped to the gill.

Speaker 1:

To the what.

Speaker 2:

To the gill.

Speaker 1:

Like a fish, uh-huh, a fish, gill, uh-huh they're strapped like a fish gill Strapped to the gill.

Speaker 2:

What's like a fish uh-huh, a fish gill? Uh-huh, you're strapped like a fish strapped to the gill. What does that metaphor mean? I don't really know that anyway. Uh, do that down the under on the streets of texas, somewhere where these fellas, you know, down there everyone is carrying a firearm, or you don't know that everyone's just about carrying a firearm and try to pull that. I don't think you'd fly, I think your prank would get shot in the ass.

Speaker 1:

There's another reference.

Speaker 2:

Yep Well.

Speaker 1:

And now they're saying that Biden refuses to take a competency test because he doesn't need to prove he's competent to run our country. And they're saying so many Democrats are trying to pull him off of the ticket to run because he obviously is showing like him, slowing down mentally and he's fatigued easily and all these other things, and because so many people donated money to Biden-Harris, the only option they have right now is to put Camilla as presidential dollar bills ready oh my god, I can't even imagine who her run would be.

Speaker 1:

It'd have to be like a stripper pole right right when she's stripper. I mean, I know she dated um who's a talk show host anyway like, what do you ever hear her do besides mess up on on?

Speaker 2:

air. I don't listen to crap at all. I can't.

Speaker 1:

I can't stand politics I hate politics, but there's a difference between listening to politics and listening to what could go on in our country. There's a big difference there, because the way that this is going I mean you know he's on the phone with russia, he's on the phone with china I mean he could be ordering a big mac and then telling him, you know saying something completely different, and it's just sad Because we need somebody with the honies. Why does it have to be Hispanic? We have the honies. Really Sure we have to have someone who will shit or get off the pot.

Speaker 2:

Really, you have to go there, good God woman.

Speaker 1:

Well, I mean really, who in your brain has been the best president we've ever had in office?

Speaker 2:

Oh, I can't rightly say. Some of it's about the same. My first one, I remember, was Reagan. I really like Trump because, you just don't F with Trump, and folks knew that. Putin, putin.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Is that another shit joke? Putin knew it or noted, and I think that little, that little psycho guy Kim Jong Kim Ung, I think he noted too, but I'm not into politics y'all, so I don't talk about crap. My wife does.

Speaker 1:

She's got three doctorates, she's the greatest here, I took faith and a bunch of people went to this museum and it had like all these different sections in it, right, and there was a bunch of women and kids, kids and all this stuff, and there happened to be a section about the presidents and it had all of their, I guess, 8x10 pictures or whatever.

Speaker 1:

So the women decide that they're going to give who's the top honest president competition. They're like, oh, let's look around and see who they think is the honest president we've ever had. And of course I don't want to be involved in this because I don't do well with large groups of women. And so they were like let's name the top three. Who do you think they named as the sexiest president of all time? And it was like voted. I was like voted, I couldn't. I was like I can't vote in this, I cannot vote in it. Not who they thought was the best president, who was the sexiest president? Why am I even conversating with you.

Speaker 2:

Seriously, why am I even?

Speaker 1:

conversating. John Adams, are you kidding me right now?

Speaker 2:

You told me to guess.

Speaker 1:

But think about it logically.

Speaker 2:

Seriously. Yeah, that is not my way. That's a big word for you. I used to be in law enforcement.

Speaker 1:

I know.

Speaker 2:

There's no logic in there.

Speaker 1:

But I mean, who do you think women debate is like the hot? Who do you think that they would say Ah, let's see Kennedy. That's who I thought they were going to say right.

Speaker 2:

But they said Bill Clinton didn't they?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Really Right.

Speaker 1:

First of all, I don't see why anybody thought Bill Clinton said Bill Clinton.

Speaker 2:

I just don't see it.

Speaker 1:

But no, I thought everybody was going to say Kennedy, because you know Kennedy had a strapping. Look about him, Right?

Speaker 2:

Like you fit in the monkeys group. What the monkeys? Oh, like Dave Davy Jones and all them, yes, the monkeys.

Speaker 1:

The monkeys and his first lady, I think was exquisite. Oh yeah, jacqueline.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

That's a bush. Oh yeah, Jacqueline, that's a bush. Oh my God. No, he does not teach our child any of homeschool. He is not teaching our child any history or anything like that. Every one of them thought Obama was the sexiest president ever.

Speaker 2:

They were blonde.

Speaker 1:

I was like is this a joke? Is y'all kidding me?

Speaker 1:

And they're like no, there's just so sexy about him. I'm like that one, that one, I'm like he's got the Will Smith ears, you know, I mean Will Smith is better looking than Obama. Anybody will admit that. But like no, no, no, I don't see that at all. I can't understand. The first ladies I'd have to say hands down is Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Really close. Second would be Nancy Reaganagan, because she was so classy and I'm sorry, but I think melania did a wonderful job as a first lady. I thought she was very elegant and, you know, well put together you didn't see her coming off of air force one booty shorts and sneakers.

Speaker 1:

I'm just saying, and you know what people can get argumentative and say whatever, but it's true, you can't dispute what. What's there like, there's pictures. You can't dispute it. Even if melania was in like dressed down pants, not jeans, but dressed up, yes, she was still very put together. Like you know, she was classy, she is classy, but this is air force one.

Speaker 2:

This is your.

Speaker 1:

Your are representing the country Right and then you come off the plane and you know, it's just like you know. I'm sorry. I just think that Kennedy and Reagan had best first wives. Melania would be a third. Who do you think is in the first wife? I'm not a first wife. I'm not a president wife. You're my third wife.

Speaker 2:

You're my final wife. So'm not a first wife, I'm not a president wife. You're my third wife. You're my final wife. So, you're by far the loveliest. What have you done? I took a shower, yeah, podcasting with my wife here at almost 10 o'clock at night.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And you're talking about politics for some reason, because why don't you talk about your book?

Speaker 1:

Because why do you always bring it up?

Speaker 2:

Because I like the fact that you're writing a book. It's a new thing for me. No, it's not. It's never whatever.

Speaker 1:

Whatever it is.

Speaker 2:

I don't even know how many books you got now.

Speaker 1:

It is the prequel to my memoir. Who Kicked First?

Speaker 2:

Who Kicked First?

Speaker 1:

Y'all go check it out on Amazon and it is how I got to where I am. I guess, am, I guess, and it's the true inside look of a manipulating, narcissistic environment, and I think it's going to stun and shock a lot of people, to say the least.

Speaker 2:

So I'm telling y'all to go buy this book, right? But I absolutely hate the book because it is it is so detailed and it's a true life account of what my wife and our daughter went through. Okay, even though she was unborn, um, and in some parts of it, um, she's, she's born but I absolutely hate the book because that monster is still out there and that piece of and some parts of it she's born.

Speaker 2:

But I absolutely hate the book because that monster is still out there and that piece of shit is walking around scot-free and I probably should have said spoiler alert, but yeah. But y'all are listening to my wife and myself right now because she did not give up. She's a survivor, she's a thriver and that little miracle girl in there is also just like her. So if y'all are in situations you, you think you can't get out of, pick up that book. Who kicked first?

Speaker 1:

and my husband tried to read, and my husband tried to read online a page or two of it for the very first time on there. Well it was also online, okay, and you couldn't get through it you couldn't a page and a half, damn near killed me uh you lived it part of it with me no he went to court with me.

Speaker 1:

He was there with me. He was my call. I reached out. He was my call. I reached out to him. He was my call to reach out to. But if anybody's also wondering, he is also the mystery man who broke my heart. That's who Michael is. When you read the book, you'll see that he was my mystery man. He was the love of my life.

Speaker 2:

But I lost. Is that my name in the book the mystery man? No, I'm the mistress.

Speaker 1:

No, but he was the love of my life and the only time I ever rebounded. I rebounded hoping they would wake him up and make him say I can't lose her. I got to take her back, but that didn't happen. And the account of everything else is. And what's ironic is I can't tell you how many times it's dozens really who have seen me and will ask me something about the book that they've read, and they don't even have to show me the page. They could say oh, this is the part where and I can tell them verbatim what's set, because the only thing changed were geographics and names um, that's it. Everything else is a hundred percent truth and we have facts to prove everything. I mean, it's you couldn't get more wrong than that and, like I said, there's you know it's just as wrong as it gets, so that was who kicked first.

Speaker 2:

Now we're talking about the prequel book that you're writing what's the name of it, my dear?

Speaker 1:

N nark it is not nark nark I'm sorry.

Speaker 2:

What's the rest?

Speaker 1:

of it nark, nark nark, what nark, nark, nark, nark, who's there? Yes, you didn't let me finish, yeah I was waiting on you to say it right, like nark, nark is a narcissistic, or narcissism not narcotics no, but you know, when you go to a door and you walk up to somebody's house, you don't know if it's a house or a home.

Speaker 1:

You don't know who you're going to get when they open the door. So you go knock-knock and you're waiting on the surprise element of who's behind that door. Do you get right from wrong? Do you get good from bad? What are you going to get? There's a two-faced situation and that is the premise of the book, and you know the people that the book is about. What have you got as a little insight? They don't know about the book.

Speaker 2:

It's very real and a lot of folks are going to identify with the characters you know.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, Could you have been any more general?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Maybe a little more specific.

Speaker 2:

Nope, they just got to wait and read the book.

Speaker 1:

You think it's going to piss off people.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, Just like the first book, who kicked first. You're going to be fighting mad. You's going to piss off people. Oh yeah, Just like the first book who Kicked First? You're going to be fighting mad, you're going to be sad, you're going to be crying. It's a rollercoaster of emotion. You're going to want to. Hey, michael, can you give me his address? You're going to be contacting us, like some folks have.

Speaker 1:

And this is not the first time that this has happened. I'm not.

Speaker 2:

No meaning the first time with a spouse or a family member. No right, I'm just saying idiot.

Speaker 1:

But I wasn't the first spouse he abused, I was just the first one who took him on, so yeah, so what have you got coming up in the next week?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

It's coming out.

Speaker 1:

Oh stop, that's not true.

Speaker 2:

Well, it will be here next month.

Speaker 1:

Okay, you got well over a month.

Speaker 2:

No, everything's coming up, do I? I'm over 50. I forget very easily.

Speaker 1:

Do I mind Careful.

Speaker 2:

I'm the mother of your child. That's it.

Speaker 1:

That's a good starting point. I was waiting for you to finish. Nope, that's all I got today, folks, unbelievable. I think your wife has multiple appointments this week. Something to do with the hospital. You asked me what do I have, right?

Speaker 2:

Not what you have.

Speaker 1:

I know, because you didn't reciprocate the question. Should I? It's a polite thing to do Sometimes. I don't take a hint At all. I hear our daughter didn't reciprocate the question. Should I? It's a polite thing to do sometimes. I don't think you hear at all. I hear our daughter singing. It's really cute, and I'm deaf. All I can only hear is like the base of the music. Also, I have to. Since we have to take a minute, I want to take a moment generically and send my condolences to the family of Faith's previous godmother who I just learned passed. It was totally unexpected for me, just to see it that it happened. I've reached out and sent a message. I haven't heard back yet. I'm sure they've bombarded with so much. She was a legend in every single way and she will be greatly missed.

Speaker 2:

On that note, y'all don't forget to go visit Dave Campbell and his podcast. He's awesome, great resource. Don't let my work has been holding it. You need to start a podcast. He has some great nuggets you can throw your way and don't forget to go on our website contagioussmilecom. My wife has put together some classes that will greatly help boost your social media presence and numbers.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you just have to start making videos.

Speaker 2:

Are you referring to me or them Both? Oh, mm-hmm. On that note, I'm out. That's how you end it. That's how you end it.

Speaker 1:

You probably just have to go to the craft room again.

Speaker 2:

Unstoppable thank y'all.

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Political Conversations and Book Prequels
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