A Contagious Smile Podcast

Life, Laughter, and Resilience: Navigating Business Launches, Family Antics, and Dramatic Surgeries Amid Political Chaos

July 15, 2024 Victora Cuore; A Contagious Smile, Who Kicked First, Domestic Violence Survivor, Advocate, Motivational Coach, Special Needs, Abuse Support, Life Skill Classes, Special Needs Social Groups

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Ever wondered what it's really like to juggle multiple roles in a bustling household while managing a business? Join us on Contagious Smile as we pull back the curtain on our daily lives, from the thrilling launch of "Narc Narc Who's There," our new series on narcissism, to the praise-worthy impact of Dana's book, "Gasping for Air." We also share personal stories about our upcoming surgeries and how we support each other through every twist and turn, all while laughing through the chaos and balancing professional commitments.

The episode takes a dramatic turn as we unpack the intense aftermath of an assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump. Drawing parallels to historical events like JFK's funeral procession, we discuss Trump's resilience and the broader implications for safety and self-defense laws in America. But don't worry, we lighten the mood with some hilarious "redneck banter" about regional dialects, providing the perfect comedic relief amid the serious topics.

To wrap things up, we dive into the hilarious and heartwarming dynamics within our family. Picture a husband who's recovering dramatically from a colonoscopy, asking for foot massages, while the wife remains a beacon of hard work even post-surgery. We also share our excitement about a golden retriever calendar for 2025 and recount a quirky father-daughter movie night featuring "Elf Girl." Tune in for a blend of humor, candid moments, and heartfelt stories as we navigate our busy lives and look forward to future endeavors.

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Speaker 2:

Good evening. Welcome to another episode of Contagious Smile. I am waiting on my husband to boot scoop Boogie over here with me. We're trying to make adjustments here for a moment. Okay, we got a lot going on.

Speaker 1:

Such as Uh oh, that's right. I swept the house, I mopped the house, did some laundry, I cleaned the kitchen.

Speaker 2:

Uh who, wants a cookie.

Speaker 1:

I might have took a nap, might have Once Twice, maybe twice, three times a week. Yeah, is that what you're talking about? What do I do you say sit on my butt I Once Twice, maybe twice, sometimes a week. Yeah, is that what you're?

Speaker 2:

talking about? What do I do? You say sit on my butt.

Speaker 1:

I can't quit you, you can't quit me.

Speaker 2:

I'm talking about every day. What's my average day?

Speaker 1:

Average day. What's it? 37 hours. It's getting longer, it's working.

Speaker 2:

What is an average a day for me? I get asked that a lot.

Speaker 1:

Sitting on your butt up here for probably, I'd say 85 to 95% of the day, running this company Doing books, more books and books and books and books. Yeah, books. Taking online classes, courses Getting more doctorates yeah, books, taking online classes, courses getting more doctorates.

Speaker 2:

No, I'm not studying.

Speaker 1:

SEO and stuff. Let's see what else. You're designing pages on the website. You're designing book covers. You're helping current, not victims, but survivors. I do clean house. You do clean house. Yes, you get up. You have to get up. I do.

Speaker 2:

My legs are numb after like 15 minutes sitting up here I do educate our child, I do clean, I do cook, I do laundry.

Speaker 1:

Yes, she does. She's a great housewife.

Speaker 2:

Yes, she does, she's a great housewife. So, my dear friend who I adore, dana, and I just wrapped up the first episode of a series we're doing called Nark Nark who's there. You Help Me? I'm Gasping for Air, which is a combined correlation of the prequel to who Kicked First, which is called Narc Narc who's there and Dana's book, gasping for Air. And I have to tell you I know you didn't read it, but Gasping for Air is phenomenal, and I'm not saying that because I love Dana. We're like twins from another mother, but she is a phenomenal writer. It's a series that we're doing all about narcissism out of the eyes of the black sheep. We're going to talk about the golden child. We're going to talk about narcissistic parents, narcissistic grandparents, narcissistic partners, what it does to you through your whole course of life. And she has been the other person beside you who's received a book cover for the prequel. What do you think of it? Because she definitely liked it, which made me feel fantastic, the book cover is stunning, very, very appealing, very, very beautiful, very exciting.

Speaker 1:

It's very professional.

Speaker 2:

Thank you.

Speaker 1:

You're welcome I appreciate it.

Speaker 2:

Now, this is Dana's first book. Dana's Gasping for Air is the first book. She has a prequel and sequel in the works that. I am hushed about the names. I cannot disclose it and I can't give you any information about it, but they are going to be amazing.

Speaker 1:

So with Dana's first book, what's her name?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Dana has a last name.

Speaker 2:

We only use first names, remember.

Speaker 1:

But how are they going to get her booked?

Speaker 2:

Oh, I have it everywhere and it's gasping for air, so it's a phenomenal book. That's the one I had with me in the hospital all the time that I would go and read.

Speaker 1:

I'd write it like four times it's really good.

Speaker 2:

Wow, yeah, that's a lot for me because I don't have time to read, but yeah, it's fantastic. So we're doing that. We've got all that coming on. We have a very full week. We have doctors and appointments and what else. Oh yeah, we have an all-day surgery coming up. How does one get? So? It's for me, thank God, not for Faith or my husband, because I would rather it be me than them.

Speaker 1:

No, I have my surgery coming up.

Speaker 2:

Yours is not a surgery. The definition of a surgical procedure is one that goes snip, snip, cut, cut, sew it. Yeah, it does. Are you a doctor? Some people say yes.

Speaker 1:

A colonoscopy is a routine procedure that is not considered and or classified as a surgical one. They're inserting a foreign object into my body.

Speaker 2:

A lot of people do that.

Speaker 1:

Into an orifice that is an exit only.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I'm very straight. Yes, I know Okay. But, Sorry, I couldn't help. It, did you say, but I did. Okay, but Sorry, I couldn't help, it Did you say, but I did.

Speaker 2:

Okay, you're hilarious. So if you're not on the OR table and you're not getting stitches and you're not going under, you know what? You're not. This is not surgery. The colonoscopy is not surgery. However, I will take care of you as always and make sure you're well taken care of, seriously. If yours is considered a surgery. What the hell is mine? And I don't want to disclose any of it because it's a big deal, but what would that be? I mean, come on now.

Speaker 1:

And I'm going at it like hey, another day, Right. So Y'all keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

Speaker 2:

Last time we cut back on her work a little bit, yeah that long he'd be like I'm gonna go do this, whatever, and I'm working as soon as he woke up. I'm just not that person that could like lay in bed and I'm not that person. Or I can't just like sit and do nothing. I'm not. I gotta go, gotta go, gotta go, gotta do it something. Person I just can't.

Speaker 1:

I can never take you out with me oh, did I see yes, I don't see her no, no.

Speaker 2:

Speaking of shootings, we do need to talk about a couple of things. One, I do apologize, I do not know the individual's name. There was a democrat who posted on social media and I don't care if you're republican, independent democrat, whatever but a person's life was attempted to be taken and one, two, two of them were, and there are two that were in critical condition who are now in stable condition.

Speaker 2:

I just learned that too. Yeah, but a father died, like literally, he jumped on top of his wife and kids to save them and he died. A hero, he was a firefighter and a member of the community. He was a huge trump supporter. But anyway, sorry, I keep going back to the door. There is videos now of the shooter. First, you see his. I don't know how old, he is very young, um. You see him on the rooftop and he's clear as day. He's there. How, how does that happen and nobody sees it?

Speaker 2:

now, okay, you have sharpshooters, you have secret service you have local law enforcement, they clear it, they, they, they, then, they expect, inspect the entire area prior to trump's arrival. And not only that, but like they have people on the rooftops, they have sharpshooters everywhere and nobody saw this and he got off a lot of rounds before he ended up, you know, hitting president trump you went back.

Speaker 2:

You started this with the democrats oh, so one of these numbnuts put on social media that they don't condone violence. However, if you're gonna do this, take shooting lessons, so next time you don't miss. I was dumbfounded that this was stated and I don't all I remember hearing is I was listening to it on the news it was a democrat who held office. I didn't hear what office or what state that they were in, but to say that he's just not okay. I mean, how do you even say that? I mean because, even if if they've held office for a while or not, at one point in time he was still your commander-in-chief right and back in the day.

Speaker 2:

If you made any kind of threat on the president, you were like done, like they were going to bring you in. Now they don't give a shit what you do, right? I mean that's so stupid. And then you you see this and I've watched it several times and you've watched it where what a sloppy job that was done. I mean there were so many things wrong that anyone with training or non-training could look at that and say, holy crap, how many times was his head not covered.

Speaker 2:

You know. And then them getting him into the car. I mean, they might as well have walked him into the car. They didn't like you know, aggressively try to protect him, to get him in, and then they have the shortest girl right in front of him who didn't even come up to his face protecting him. And I don't know about you, and if I'm wrong I will stand corrected and apologize. I did not see the secret service that was physically guarding him draw their weapon.

Speaker 1:

If I'm wrong, I won't apologize. Secret service or his private screen that was a secret service.

Speaker 2:

I did not see them on any video pulling their weapons. I heard her say move, but yet they stayed where they were. But I did not see them on any video pulling their weapons. I heard them say move, but yet they stayed where they were. But I did not see them draw down. What is your take on it from your history of law enforcement?

Speaker 1:

Well, you had a bunch of a bunch of guys trying to bodyguard him and not doing a very good job. One guy in particular I saw was doing a bang up-up job.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I'm sorry, um, cover that light down, but he stayed down for so long and you heard several shots being fired. Okay, at the end of those six or seven shots, however many shots were fired, um, the snipers took them out, apparently. Okay, well, everybody's on comms. So the group that's huddled around donald trump has advised him by now that the shooter is down. Okay, so, as we know, as we know more than one, but we know how Donald Trump is. He's very brazen and that's a reason he can stand up boldly and do the power fist the flag in the background and you know whatever he mouthed, whatever he said keep fighting or fight on.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. There was an F in there it was fight on or something like that. But that's awesome. That's the type of man we need back in office for, I'd say, 50 years.

Speaker 2:

Well, they're saying that this picture is so iconic First it's going to be in the library of Donald Trump, but not only that. They're holding it at such a stature of like the picture where John FK got shot and then he got for his funeral procession and you see his son saluting him, like that stature of picture. And you know, it's amazing because our country is nowhere near where it used to be. And here you have a former president who has an attempt on his life. They have said that if there's a bullet hit a half of an inch I don't, I don't remember what direction they said a half an inch closer and he moved the dead and, with that being said, this man already sent his condolences to the family. That passed the gentleman firefighter. He gets on a plane and, you know, later on you see pictures and he's got like blood everywhere on his face and down his ear and such. But you see this and then he's getting on a plane.

Speaker 2:

I heard today he was leaving to go to the Republican party Republican convention. He's not even taking time to decompress, he's like come on, you know, and that's the thing is he literally is that president that stood up after an assassination attempt. Remember when he was going through his inauguration, he got out, no matter how many people told him not to, and he walked. He walked to. You know he'd get out of the car and he'd walk and I mean he didn't have anybody like right around his perimeter guarding him. He walked. And if you think about it and I could be wrong I don't think that I am but Trump just put together a campaign launching a GoFundMe. That's amazing. Just came across the news brief and I know he donated you know, but the last assassination attempt, I recall on.

Speaker 1:

President was Reagan right.

Speaker 2:

Isn't that the last one?

Speaker 1:

that we know of.

Speaker 2:

I don't know why that didn't turn out. I thought it was Reagan, right? Isn't that the last one that we know of? I don't know why that didn't turn out. I thought it was Reagan. But you know, trump met Reagan and they had conversation and Reagan told him that he'd make a phenomenal president and he told him he'd finish whatever he did and get it done. Here they go. It's 43, I believe 43 years ago Reagan was was in office I'm doing my math correctly and here we go. You know, it's dumbfounding to me that, with everything we have going on, that we can't even have a peaceful day where we can go and listen to someone and believe it, regardless of who you pick or what side of the aisle you're on. Whatever the point is is that you have to worry about literally everywhere you go.

Speaker 2:

Now walmart there's stabbings at you know rallies there's this. Then there's the movie shoot, movie theater shootings there's you know, everywhere you go, people are just angry, they're angry.

Speaker 1:

You know, like most of the, guys you know, I scroll through TikTok and I've seen these Yahoo's. Three to four assailants start kicking in front doors and the ring cameras catch them. You know, folks, get yourself armed. You know, have your weapons stashed around your house safely?

Speaker 2:

Can't you get charged?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Can't you get charged for murder and manslaughter?

Speaker 1:

If there's four people coming in my house.

Speaker 2:

What if there's?

Speaker 1:

one. If there's one, he's coming to rape steal and kill.

Speaker 2:

Right, but they'll arrest you.

Speaker 1:

I'll go to jail, but my family will be safe.

Speaker 2:

But why should you be arrested and incarcerated for protecting your family in your own home? That's what I don't understand. You should not Correct. It's just like so many and it's more okay. One in four women go through domestic violence, but the statistic I'm giving in regards to four women who defend themselves, they're incarcerated more than the abuser and it's self-defense and that is a true fact. You know, if you're a good old boy and you know billy bob and you know joey bag of donuts or whatever, whatever, whatever. They're going to turn the blind eye and all you have is your word. And so what are you gonna do? Fend them off or lay there and let them just beat you to death and then kill the kids, kill the pets, so you protect yourself, you protect your kids and you go to jail for it. How is that even? How? That's not even something I can wrap my head around and feel justified.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't know, I don't know, I, I don't know. I just know that I'm going to protect me and my family, because you're mine.

Speaker 2:

Mine. Is that the redneck word of the day? You're mine. That sounds like mine, mine. Right that actually sounds like the correct term, mine Mm-hmm. Yeah, you've got to give me another word, because we always do a redneck word Not yet, not yet.

Speaker 1:

Not yet, not yet, not yet.

Speaker 2:

Not yet. Right Like not yet, yes, not yet that's not as bad as some of your other ones, I have to say. We saw. The funniest thing thing with the dad is like getting his language tested, you know, like I guess, oh, that new yorker, that's hilarious. He was funny, he was hilarious, but then some of his words are great. I love how he talks.

Speaker 1:

And then I told him that would be great for you and I, but like some of of the words not yet On a one to ten I give you like a, you know whatever.

Speaker 2:

Like a one, because that's not bad compared to some of your rhythmic terms.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

They're not, but it's kind of fun.

Speaker 1:

Say coffee. I can't even do that.

Speaker 2:

No, say it the way you say it.

Speaker 1:

You say it with a Q-U-A-W there.

Speaker 2:

Do not you say coffee. You say it I like a cup of coffee. You say it the redneck way.

Speaker 1:

It's coffee.

Speaker 2:

Okay, that's not horrible, say stairs, we're going upstairs.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

No, say it the redneck way, say it the normal way.

Speaker 1:

We're going up the stairs, stairs.

Speaker 2:

Isn't that it the redneck way? Say it your own way. I'm going up the stairs, stairs, stairs. Isn't that like I'm staring at you? No, uh-huh say stairs.

Speaker 1:

No, let's get back to the subjects.

Speaker 2:

I'm just saying you just talk like Y'all my wife gets off the left field sometimes about me.

Speaker 1:

So, the folks don't want to hear about me. They want to hear about you and your accomplishments and the things you're doing, they don't.

Speaker 2:

Oh, here we go, put this pie in his face. I'm really trying to work on his accent. So he says last week, I'm going to make him eat crow. Is that what it's called Eat crow? He says last week, how he always goes on and on, I'm gonna make him eat crow. Is that what it's called Eat crow? Go ahead, okay. He says last week you know how he always goes on and on about oh, I don't like to podcast because nobody listens to me.

Speaker 2:

Blah, blah, blah and everybody tells him he's full of horse shit. That's probably why he's getting a colonoscopy. But so here's that part again. He says there won't be 300 total downloads for this by the time it's done. Remind me again how many. That was right.

Speaker 1:

I don't rightly remember, ma'am.

Speaker 2:

Negative. What was that one?

Speaker 1:

I don't rightly recall, don't?

Speaker 2:

make me call you out in front of everybody. It was like $308,000. Something crazy. And I showed it to him and he ate clothes.

Speaker 1:

That's crazy, y'all.

Speaker 2:

Because everybody loves our banter. They love you, no, I don't get that.

Speaker 1:

You're the sexy red-headed vixen.

Speaker 2:

Wrong. I don't get those numbers that high unless you and I are doing this together. I have to say I love the shirt, though.

Speaker 1:

Oh Lord.

Speaker 2:

Faith gave him again with their playful banter, got him a shirt that says to-do list Cross. Then there's two words. It says to-do list your mom. He can't go out of the house with it. She won't let him. And there's a big cross line through your mom, meaning he can't do me and she will not allow him out of the house wearing the shirt.

Speaker 1:

No, that means it's checked off already. No, there's no check mark.

Speaker 2:

No no.

Speaker 1:

When you scratch through something, it's accomplished. What you scratch through something, scratch no, so this has been accomplished.

Speaker 2:

Where was I?

Speaker 1:

Are you serious? Y'all see what I have to put up with.

Speaker 2:

And what would you do if you lost me?

Speaker 1:

I'd lose it all.

Speaker 2:

So how do you have to put up with it?

Speaker 1:

This is the best thing I got.

Speaker 2:

That's not saying much, you got paid.

Speaker 1:

Well, she's a little rat. She is not a rat. She rats on me every time. If I take a nap, she's ratting on me.

Speaker 2:

She does not. No, she does not. Don't do it, she's on the phone. No she's not, she is. I hear her talking.

Speaker 1:

She's not on the phone. I hear her.

Speaker 2:

No, she is not on the phone. All right, okay, we're done. No, so she doesn't even hear text messages. She's playing Alexa. No, she's not. She's playing Alexa, I promise you. I know my daughter.

Speaker 1:

So what else?

Speaker 2:

You tell me. So what's your week look like?

Speaker 1:

Work, work, work.

Speaker 2:

That's it, nothing else.

Speaker 1:

That's it Work. Get ready for your surgeries.

Speaker 2:

Okay, how are you going to tend to my needs? Because I'm not. I admit, you and I are night and day different when it comes to coming home from anything. When you don't, when you have something done, I, how am I? I?

Speaker 1:

come home no medication, no pain that sort of thing.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to go to work Like I am just going to. Let's go, like, back to work. Whatever my husband, I guarantee you love of my life, my soulmate will be in bed for at least the weekend after a colonoscopy. He is going to milk this to the cows, am I right, or?

Speaker 1:

wrong, probably right. Yeah, and then you're going to have like here's what he's going to do. That's most guys. Okay, we're like that.

Speaker 2:

He's going to go say my feet hurt, run my feet with some let me see if I can do it, oil I can't do it yet Oil, oil, oil, oil Oil.

Speaker 1:

Oil. Rub my feet with some oil. I can't do it. Y'all that's a joke. I've always told her that I've been trying to get her to give me a massage on my feet with some oil, it's all day Because they gross her out. Excuse me, you have the biggest feet, can? You not put that over here.

Speaker 2:

What Anyway, you do? And I don't't know what she's gonna say. Your feet didn't just poop out everything. So, no, no, that's not gonna work. My husband's gonna be like babe, would you please sit down? Babe, could you take it easy, please, babe? And I'm gonna be be like look, I'm stacked Because my office. I know you're stacked, oh, and I can't talk about your feet.

Speaker 1:

No, I'm about to get me one of those butt pillows.

Speaker 2:

You know the donut ones. They give you one after the procedure. Good Literally my office chair has this thing underneath that pulls out so you can put your legs up. So there's a reason why I can't work. I mean seriously, there is no reason why I can't work. I mean seriously, there is no reason why I can't work. I cannot just sit and do nothing and the recovery time is like eight weeks my ass. No, no, I can't do it.

Speaker 1:

So do we have a projected time frame for y'all's book?

Speaker 2:

Y'all, who's y'all, y'all's book. You and Dana, we're doing a book together, my little sweet love. We're doing we are. You know what I'm talking about. We are doing a series, series, series, series. You just sounded like you said Siri.

Speaker 1:

Series. I don't like Siri or Alexa. No, shut up Alexa. Golly, you didn't't say the freaking name, that's why I spell it.

Speaker 2:

We are putting it together. We've already recorded episode one. We're recording a couple of more of my operations and then we're going to get it together and roll it out.

Speaker 2:

That's going to be amazing. Also, I finished today and I already know my husband. I built today a calendar of adorable golden retrievers for 2025 to go on our site and they have each month has positive quotes on it for you and you can go on there. It should be up by tuesday and we're going to discount it for all of our listeners and so this will be amazing and it's a golden retriever 2025 calendar. Hey, faith, how have you been feeling? So dad over here is having conversations that I said you need to partake in because you know how he is and how he talks when he gets his colonoscopy. You know the little thing. How long do you think he'll?

Speaker 2:

be, laid up in bed. Okay, um not. It depends On what If he's gonna act like a baby or not.

Speaker 1:

Does he normally act like a?

Speaker 2:

baby. Oh yeah, Okay, come here a minute, baby. Come here A everybody loves your playful dancer. I was explaining about the shirt. Now we were trying to describe the difference in when I come home from a surgery and dad just doesn't feel good because he hasn't had one. Is a colonoscopy a surgery? No, how do you know? You're only 12. She's 12?. What is each one of us like when one of us is either coming home from surgery or having a mild little toothache or something? When mom comes home, she works all the time, but when dad comes home, all I hear is babies.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so when dad comes home, I work all the time Got it no, when mom comes home too, you are a complete five-year-old baby.

Speaker 1:

How's a five-year-old baby?

Speaker 2:

Five-year-old baby Seriously.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And he said that he wants you to rub his feet with oil.

Speaker 1:

You know, because I have to sit in a refined position for like the entire weekend.

Speaker 2:

It has nothing to do with your ass.

Speaker 1:

I don't want blood clots in my feet. You won't get blood clots in your feet so you have to rub them. No, yes.

Speaker 2:

You don't rub my feet, or mine for that matter.

Speaker 1:

I'm not rubbing your feet. I have pictures and videos of you rubbing your feet.

Speaker 2:

She has the cutest feet I've ever seen in my life so cute.

Speaker 1:

What are?

Speaker 2:

your words about him. Cry baby, man who can't lose it on her life.

Speaker 1:

Cry baby man who can't lose it on her life. Really, who cleaned the house today?

Speaker 2:

Nobody here is pointing Mom.

Speaker 1:

Mom cleaned the house. Today Nobody here's pointing Mom. Mom cleaned the house.

Speaker 2:

That's what I'm saying. It's hilarious when you two have playful banter. It is hysterical, I'm telling you. We were doing the thing, trying to get him to say words, and he like gave up on it because I told him to say stairs, like stairs, like a northern person, and he sounded like stairs, you stay it almost hurt stare, stare at you. What word do you think you should say?

Speaker 1:

you get one aviary, aviary, yeah no how about?

Speaker 2:

how about he says burrito no?

Speaker 1:

hi mom. Uh, don't you have something to do like take a shower? Go to bed get grounded. Oh, you cannot clown me, Michael. Oh, you're not 18, yet I'm going to look at my face and handle it then oh. Oh well.

Speaker 2:

So, yes, Can I tell you that today Faith got a happy birthday video from Malcolm Goodwin, who is a really nice guy. He sent me a video thanking me for helping one of his friends and saying that I helped save her life, and that video meant so much to me. But not only did Malcolm send her a video saying happy birthday, but he says that he listens to your podcast and I was like that's awesome. He named her podcast. He says that he's a huge fan of it. He listens to it. What a game changer it is how you're helping so many people, making such a difference in people's lives, and I was like what does it take to get you excited? I mean, she was so obsessed with the Breakout Kings years ago.

Speaker 2:

She loved the show, Loved it, loved it, loved it. And he was a main star on the Breakout Kings and now he's on Reacher and iZombie and stuff like that and he is just really nice. He's been on a lot of shows Order, all those other ones and she just looks at me and I was like aren't you excited she goes. No, it was really nice for him to do it, but I don't think of celebrities as celebrities. I just look at them as everyday people because, she in her own right.

Speaker 2:

I know she's going to chop my butt is a celebrity and she doesn't want the recognition. Okay, but you don't want the recognition. That's what I know, and I love that because you want to help people and you don't want the praise and the. You know the perception that goes with it and that's what makes you even more amazing and just a phenomenal kid that's mine, so that's all, that's it, but I don't know what it's going to take to get her excited. Don't say a word, michael. How do we?

Speaker 1:

get her excited. You just told me not to say a word.

Speaker 2:

Well, that's never stopped me. I didn't tell you, I have never. You, no, not me, the two of you. Her new thing is showing your mouth shut.

Speaker 1:

Well, I'm not Showing your mouth shut, yeah, yeah where'd you get that from?

Speaker 2:

I have no idea.

Speaker 1:

Maybe she's into sewage because she wants to be a fashion designer.

Speaker 2:

No, I'm not into sewing.

Speaker 1:

That's part of the design of clothes.

Speaker 2:

I'm using my Idiot.

Speaker 1:

Oh, now it's idiot.

Speaker 2:

Thanks a lot, moron.

Speaker 1:

Ew, I couldn't get wet this kid.

Speaker 2:

She's definitely yours, she's all mine.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think she's currently working on eight more books.

Speaker 2:

I think we're up one working on eight more books.

Speaker 1:

Seven more books, y'all Seven.

Speaker 2:

She's working on seven books and I have to hear about them every day. You should be honored.

Speaker 1:

Almost every day. You should be honored. Oh, I'm honored, you should be. Hey, dad. Dad, let me tell you about Elf Girl. Elf Girl has pointed ears, a long nose, blind eyes.

Speaker 2:

I'm not lying about.

Speaker 1:

Elf Girl. She comes from this side of Macedonia. What that's her?

Speaker 2:

I'm not lying about Elf Girl, but what's amazing is she pulled one off on me last night, her daughter daddy movie night. And she had watched that sentence for the life of love. And my husband comes up to me and I was like, how's the movie? And he goes oh my God, save me, I love that, I love that, I love that. Well, your dad thought not so much and I was like what he's like much? And I was like what he's like, save me.

Speaker 2:

I was like, oh, so, apparently y'all are going to watch the first three. I know, and you told her she could fix the movie for the next year after what she went through.

Speaker 1:

And what did she go through? She danced with the Reaper. And what she went through? What did? She go through.

Speaker 2:

She danced with the Reaper and she kicked the desk, but it is such an experience, y'all, to watch a movie with Faith.

Speaker 1:

Oh yes, it's wonderful. I encourage anyone who wants to come watch a movie with her. Just hand her the remote. Because what happens Every three minutes? There will be a pause, there will be a dissertation about what's going on and then there will be a correlation with something else not related to the movie, or something that reminded her of something, about something else. And then for five minutes.

Speaker 1:

you're on pause Then you go back to the movie or something that reminded her, or something about something else Well, what if that-? And then for five minutes you're on pause. Then you go back to the movie.

Speaker 2:

What if? That Until three minutes later I will, my mind will go to the line, so I have to say, oh, my God. So let me ask you this have you ever thought that maybe the reason she does this is because she enjoys spending time with you. She's extending it as long as possible.

Speaker 1:

No, why? Because we can watch two movies in the time that it takes her to go through one movie. No, ow, ow. You know, I know a psychologist who advocates for that Elder abuse You're not the elder, that. I'm your elder.

Speaker 2:

I'm the elder, that's on my own, okay. So, faith, what do you think Dad's going to do while I'm in surgery?

Speaker 1:

all day. What I will not be sleeping.

Speaker 2:

Oh boy, how am I supposed to sleep? She was in good hands, really. I was in good hands during my amputation.

Speaker 1:

That's not funny. I bet folks are laughing.

Speaker 2:

I hope that shit hits the fan during your colonoscopy. If you have any comments on that, I'll take it I hope the shit hits the fan during your colonoscopy. Look at this jug. I got to drink. Oh, you got jug and pills, oh my god. And what happens if they forget the lube? Uh huh, uh, huh, because just think you'll be farting out KYJ Uh huh.

Speaker 2:

Afterwards you will Disgusting. It's not disgusting to each their own. So you're going to get four foot camera with tubing and then they have a little prod thing so they see the polyps or anything that they snip it off and take it out and biopsy it while they're in there. It's not even an operation, it's like an in and out.

Speaker 1:

You're just full of it, aren't you? Sorry, I don't want to call the police. Y'all see what I have to deal with.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you see what we have to deal with, right, you see what we have to deal with. I mean, come on now, seriously.

Speaker 1:

Thank y'all for listening.

Speaker 2:

Faith take us out? No, who should take us out? No, who should take us out Him? Okay, go Him Go. That's him.

Speaker 1:

Y'all be sure to go on our website and check out everything that my wife has put on there, in there accomplished, and the services she provides and other folks have joined us that they provide at ContagiousSmilecom, and check out the books that these two lovely young ladies have written.

Speaker 2:

He's saying another lady is lovely.

Speaker 1:

This one right here. She's almost a lady, she's still a kid right now.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

But our faith has written five books, now Six, six, I'm outdated. Has written five books, now Six, I'm outdated.

Speaker 2:

Of course you are.

Speaker 1:

So y'all go in there and check them out. I'm sure my wife has them listed somewhere. Products, services all those tabs. You'll see some of our dogs in there, our main man, stucco.

Speaker 2:

Your main man. That's my dog, that is my dog. You have Uno, I have Uno, that's yours, he's all yours. I have a small question for you.

Speaker 1:

Alright Faith has a small question.

Speaker 2:

What is a BC like?

Speaker 1:

What is a BC like. What is a BC like. What is a bc like what is?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

are you before christ? That I'm that old and on that note, thank y'all for listening to I Am. Someone with Victoria, the Nel Skull, fane and Michael.

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