A Contagious Smile Podcast

Humor and Heart: Family Pranks, Pet Peeves, Political Insights, and Overcoming Domestic Abuse

August 12, 2024 Victora Cuore; A Contagious Smile, Who Kicked First, Domestic Violence Survivor, Advocate, Motivational Coach, Special Needs, Abuse Support, Life Skill Classes, Special Needs Social Groups

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Ever wonder why some people make a big fuss out of nothing? We kick off this episode with a series of uproarious family pranks and a delightful recount of our daughter's birthday scavenger hunt. Then we shift gears to vent about those infuriating behaviors that turn minor issues into major annoyances, like cutting toenails in public places and sagging pants. It's a rollercoaster of emotions and laughs as we navigate the origins of these pet peeves.

We then dive headfirst into the political arena, comparing Kamala Harris' media-shy approach to Donald Trump's accessible, albeit controversial, public persona. What does this mean for political transparency? And how do these contrasting styles affect public opinion? The conversation takes an unexpected twist as we tackle the complex dynamics of father-daughter relationships, offering advice on everything from managing an 18-year-old's dating life to embracing same-sex relationships within traditional families, and strategizing to protect our loved ones from past dangers.

In a more somber segment, we confront the harsh realities of domestic abuse, providing a platform for survivors to share their harrowing stories. We discuss the legal and emotional battles they face, and the importance of setting and maintaining boundaries for safety. We also offer supportive strategies for those seeking to escape abusive situations, emphasizing the importance of community and resourcefulness. The episode wraps up on a lighter note with the anticipation of a new book launch by Lord Mark, a special contribution from a beloved husband, and heartfelt goodbyes. Join us for an episode that's as heartfelt and humorous as it is thought-provoking and serious.

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Speaker 1:

howdy y'all. Welcome to another. What this is?

Speaker 2:

some roll no, but you're like jumping it, go ahead.

Speaker 1:

Oh okay, howdy y'all welcome to another episode of an unstoppable here at a contagious smile, with the lovely victoria and myself. Michael hi, victoria, hi michael, it's.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I've had it all. Why do I have to be a horse? Would you rather it be a heifer?

Speaker 2:

You called me that too, Okay, Well, let's go heifer. How about wife? Love my wife.

Speaker 1:

It's all me. Forgive me.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so we had quite the busy week. Yes, we had. We had family in town, Our awesome niece she's hilarious who had been pranking the shit out of you.

Speaker 1:

I'm still removing some of those prints from our truck.

Speaker 2:

I'm sorry, from what?

Speaker 1:

From our truck.

Speaker 2:

Oh okay, they got sacred bird poop that you mix with water and bathed our truck in it. It was pretty doggone funny. Then she goes and puts clear tape everywhere for my husband to walk through multiple times in multiple locations.

Speaker 1:

Do you know where the bedroom, the bathroom, the truck handles? I couldn't get in the truck. What All the truck handles on our truck? The van had tape on it also.

Speaker 2:

And she taped your man cave. Refrigerator handles together. That's right, my beer was handles together.

Speaker 1:

That's right, my beer was locked up. That's a big no-no.

Speaker 2:

That's hilarious.

Speaker 1:

I mean, come on, it's funny. And then they stickered the shit out of our truck.

Speaker 2:

And they stickered the shit out of everywhere else.

Speaker 1:

Yes, there are stickers everywhere.

Speaker 2:

That says for rectal use only Because Michael finally gets his colonoscopy this week. Wow, hey, a lot of things to squirt about. Ha ha, ha, ha, ha ha. And we have birthday, our precious baby girl. I look at her and I still see that sweet little baby, that sweet little girl who stole my heart before she was even here, the one that you. I still have the text message Michael sent me when she was first born, saying this world's not prepared for two of you beautiful girls. I was not prepared to see what a beautiful little shit, and of course I have the text from a long time ago. We did a scavenger hunt for her for her birthday. She's really smart if she gets that from me, but I mean we did little riddles and then she had to guess the gift and we did like gag gifts.

Speaker 2:

There were like really cute little dollar gifts or whatever wrapped up and she had to find them and then guess what they were. And she's hilarious, like the kid doesn't miss a beat, literally. And then she was just having the best time. I love to see her smile and just be happy. Like it's too short not to be happy. I mean it really is. You should cherish every moment. And then you think about like just other shit that's going on and you just want to be like why? Why do people here here's your question. Besides, we need to write next word of the week why do people make a mountain out of a mower?

Speaker 2:

a mow a mow hill what's a mow hill? What is a mow hill?

Speaker 1:

sir, mich, are you trying to say mole?

Speaker 2:

Are you trying to correct my English? What's aluminum foil?

Speaker 1:

You just said it Aluminum foil. It's not foil, it's foil, it's foil. Everybody knows it's foil Foil, just like you put oil in your truck.

Speaker 2:

So why do people make a mountain out of a mohawk? Give me an example. Why would someone lie profusely about the endangerment of another when it's absolutely incorrect?

Speaker 1:

They're embarrassed about their own incompetence. They try to bully perhaps.

Speaker 2:

But then why do they only come around when they need something?

Speaker 1:

No, because they're freaking lazy. They don't want to work for it themselves, they want what other people have so jealousy envy.

Speaker 2:

But that doesn't make it right to like forget about other people and other things that are important to others. No it does not. So what is your number one pet peeve about this?

Speaker 1:

Cutting toenails in the bedroom. Oh my god, be more specific what?

Speaker 2:

okay, let's just generality. What is your number one pet?

Speaker 1:

cutting toenails in the house. Number two uh, wearing your britches down to your ankles do you know why people do that? I know where it started from, where it started from in prison. Why elaborate? You tell us.

Speaker 2:

It lets individuals know that they are fair game sure I was trying to figure out how to. I have no tact, I know, but I was trying to figure out how to. I have no tact, I know, but I was trying to figure out how to say it.

Speaker 1:

Restaurant's open. Come on, boys. Oh, all the chili you can eat. No, they only serve one thing the Hershey Highway. That's so nasty, oh God, that's disgusting. We're going to have to edit that, nope, no, I'm not talking about the homosexual nature. I'm talking about like for somebody to walk around and then they'd say, in jail, they're not gay?

Speaker 1:

No, because it's a situational homosexuality, which is perfectly fine. It's a state of mind, that's all they have in there, so that's all you can get. But I would be celibate. Well then, be celibate, go to jail and be celibate. Which way would you go? I wouldn't go to jail.

Speaker 2:

I wouldn't go to jail either. But I mean get it. But I mean Get it. But I don't know if I believe in situational homosexuality, but it happened. I know it happened, I've seen it first. Well, I understand that.

Speaker 2:

But then, you know, we can always go back to the conversation about child predators. That just makes my stomach turn. I mean how they think that they're not getting enough rights and that they're not getting any fair chances once they come out of jail. And we've had people say that they become rehabilitated once they're incarcerated. And I I just I don't see how. No, I just don't see it. I don't know how, because you're going around other people who are similar to you in your own regard and learn how they do things. So you're coming up with new tricks of the trade, of what you do. So then you get out. Of course you want to try them. So how do you say you're rehabilitated, right? Isn't it a specific kind? I don't want to even say mindset, but it takes a specific kind of person to be attracted to a minor right like I? I see kids all the time, like they're adorable, like my family gives me such crap when I see a baby oh my god, they're so cute.

Speaker 2:

You know, or even a cute little 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, boy, girl, whatever I'm like, they are adorable. I can't wrap my head around or fathom how somebody could be aroused by that.

Speaker 1:

I don't see what prism or spectrum that they're looking at these kids in like that, the innocence Right. You see a child and you see happiness and you see the glow in their eyes. You see, the life in their eyes. Yes, and you think. This kid's going to grow up one day. What are they going to become? Look at how happy they are right now. They're playing with other kids. They're playing with you know different races, you know they don't know and you know, like that little boy today in the restaurant.

Speaker 2:

He was so cute, just kind of walked right up to me.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And tried to point of bloom. Uh, so yeah, I don't know, I don't know. But you know they say that people, um, are born into their sexuality. It's not developed, and you know, like racism when we're kids, like I never saw skin color, I saw a person you never saw. You know, and there are. I don't care what color your skin is or your ethnicity. There is trash in every what do you want to call it combination you can come up with. I don't care if you're talking white, black, hispanic, latino, asian, filipino, asian, filipino, korean, no matter what you come up with. There are fantastic people in that genre in that group. And then there is complete another trash in that group. It's not gender or racist, specific, it's, you know, in general. Just, I know you're about to bring up Kamala Harris. I already see it in your face no, I'm not.

Speaker 1:

I don't want to, I don't want to step on too many toes. How?

Speaker 2:

are you going to step on any toes? She won't even do a damn, uh he's just so you know.

Speaker 1:

No, I'm I'm a redneck and I don't speak very well.

Speaker 2:

But she refuses some of the questions from the media. Now, how let's be general and let's just say this if kamala harris which she never would was a republican, if she was, which she doesn't and never would be in general, we're talking about the person of the party how can an individual expect to take office of presidency and never answer questions from the media? How do you do that? That's for my phone, you don't? I mean? How do you do that?

Speaker 1:

You have to talk, you have to explain stuff. I don't know, she's just. You know, I don't like politics.

Speaker 2:

I don't get into it.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I'm not into politics either, but I want to know what's going on in our country, you know, and what's happening I mean that's kind of an important thing. I would think you know, like you know the whole like Trump attempt assassination thing. If he had not turned his head, the trajectory of that bullet would have gone straight through his skull. He turned his head because somebody grabbed his attention for something. He turned his head because somebody grabbed his attention for something. But now they're playing all this different video from the officers and secret service cameras and there were officers that were pitching a fit that there was only one building that had a clear line of sight from where the president former president would be speaking and it had no coverage on it. And they showed a video of everybody setting up the podium and you know Secret Service walking it and you see the individual, if you will, with his gun case and everything, walk right behind it and nobody stops him, questions them, nothing. And he goes up there and people saw him prior to the shooting and like they were not given the green light. And you know what I have to say I have to give thanks to trump and in because I don't know if you heard this, but normally when things happen, they do a question and answer, kind of thing, if you will. And he said he would do it and he went and sat down with the Secret Service. They asked him a bunch of questions, he answered everything and he thanked them for still, you know, putting their life on the line In whatever fashion you want to say that they did, but he still thanked them, you know, which is pretty honorable when you look at it and you know they have all these videos out and they say Trump's, this horrible person or whatever. I saw a fantastic video I forwarded it to you where Trump was playing on a golf course somewhere and this individual is young man. I'm not going to speculate, this is a but he's. He's in a wheelchair and they drove 40 hours just to get their eyes on Trump, just to see him, and he saw, for president. Trump saw them and he stops the golf cart and he gets out and he says what a good looking young man this is and he carries on a conversation with him and then he gets out, meets the family and takes pictures with them. I mean, yes, they show everybody doing horrific things. They make horrible references to Trump.

Speaker 2:

Okay, you know why don't you make horrible references to Camilla and the fact that she says I'm woken, woken, woken, woken, woken, woken, by the way, I'm woken and then she doesn't answer any questions from the media and everything is I'm woken and people can judge me about it if they want. That's fine. I am not for a gender or a race. I'm for a gender or a race. I'm for a person who is best for our country or purposely, and that's how I stand. But she says the same thing. If she does speak, you know, and I've watched her speak, if you will but she does speak and it's not eloquently, you know. She doesn't come across unbelievably intelligent. I'll say that, um, you know, I've heard and watched videos of judges that have seen her and say that she's not all together there. She's very, you know, promiscuous and she wears, you know, very promiscuous clothing and she's very flirtatious and whatever that's speculation.

Speaker 2:

I haven't seen it, but that's what I've heard. But she comes across not very articulate and every time I've ever seen her try to rally at a different state, she's like this is the state that leads us to the white house, and it's every freaking time, every time it's like there's going to be some media coverage because you won't talk to them, that they're going to show and it's the same words. I mean I guess she doesn't have to remember anything except what state she's at, because she'll say this is the way to the white house is through the state of uh, I'm waiting on her to call a state by a different name.

Speaker 2:

Like I'm not in florida, I'm in seattle, but she's in. Like you know, this is just how she comes across. And you know, then she made a statement that they don't want celebrities endorsing them. Like that's the newest thing, right? But Vance goes out on the tarmac and says hey, you guys, thank you so much for being here. They just wanted to get a picture of Kamala getting off Air Force One. But Vance comes out and goes. I'm really sorry that she won't answer any questions for you, but you know, maybe I can answer a few while you wait. And he took that time and then he thanked them for coming out.

Speaker 2:

And you know what? That's still just a little class, you know. I mean, he's not trying to step on her toes. When she started to get out, he stopped and walked off. It's her, whatever, let her have it, but I mean, that's still more of an honorable thing to do, so I am just dumbfounded and swore that, out of all the Democrats in this country, that Kamala Harris got the endorsement.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we're in trouble. I just can't believe that she's still in after all the stupid shit she's been saying.

Speaker 2:

They're saying in the media that she's Hillary Clinton 3.0, and that's me quoting what they said.

Speaker 1:

I mean it's. Is that a compliment? No, or a slap against Helen?

Speaker 2:

How is that? Either one. I think it's kind of like a blended mix.

Speaker 1:

So are you done ranting.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. I'm trying to protect our family and our people in the United States, and you know it's like.

Speaker 1:

Well, I hope most folks that listen to us are going to vote Trump Because we need him back in office Just for the four short years that he'll be there.

Speaker 2:

Our groceries were so much cheaper. Our price was cheaper. Our economy was better? It really was, and the statistics speak for themselves.

Speaker 1:

So I'm going to change the subject, of course you are okay. So, dads, you like one of those y'all grab the microphone. Dads, we have an 18 year old daughter, our only 18 year old daughter. The dads, we need your help. These hormones are starting to get out of control here.

Speaker 2:

I'm ridiculous, I'm ridiculous.

Speaker 1:

No, we could be the first ones to meet said starting to get out of control here. Oh, you're ridiculous, I'm ridiculous. No, we could be the first ones to meet said boyfriend, girlfriends, whatever it may be, oh yeah. So let's park on that for just a bit. Okay, that if you have your precious princess turn 18, and hormones are kicking in, kind of like our daughters are, and you're thinking boy's coming over, boy's thinking about one thing, boy's taking your little daughter out and attempting only one little thing, at this point, are you okay with that daughter being a lesbian? Are you okay with this? Dad, if you are a traditionalist and homosexuality was not tolerated in your family, in your grandparents family, are you okay with this now, in this day and age? Okay, you guys, fathers, you know what we thought of back then.

Speaker 2:

Okay, that you don't want your daughter to date someone like you.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

That's every guy's nightmare. Don't think I would love for Faith to find somebody, whether it would be male or female. For faith to find somebody, whether it would be male or female, that treated her the way you and I treat her.

Speaker 1:

Because the man you are now is nothing like the man you were back then. Okay, we don't need to harp on that, I'm just saying I would love for her to find someone.

Speaker 2:

Now to the version of you. Now I would open arms and welcome.

Speaker 1:

And that's what I'm asking, dad. Is it okay now for you to say, hey, honey, go ahead, I like women. It's okay to like women. You go ahead and like women, I can go look at them with you. Well, the mom would disagree.

Speaker 2:

Yes, but that's my question to dads speaking of dads, I have totally forgotten until you said that and I apologize. I had someone and I gotta go back and look at what social media platform it was on who had a question for you, and I gotta go back and see where it was. But on the last episode we talked about idiot and what a piece of shit he is and that you are the only dad she's ever known, right? So bear with me because I don't remember. I would have pulled it up. I can't remember verbatim, but it had something to do with what would you do if said piece of shit came back in the picture and wanted to involve himself in a relationship with Faith?

Speaker 1:

Okay, so give it away.

Speaker 2:

It's a two-part question, but go ahead. Okay, so first he might be listening he might be listening.

Speaker 1:

If you're listening, guess what? I've got a hole for you out back, buddy. Yup, I've got a hole in your navel that's buried five and a half feet deep. I just want your head sticking up out of the ground. That's all I need. We can run an IV. Well, I don't know, am I spreading the beans too much?

Speaker 2:

You don't want anybody to take it as a threat. Oh no, Okay If y'all have not.

Speaker 1:

You don't want anybody to take it as a threat, oh no, okay, now just him. If y'all have not been involved in my life's.

Speaker 2:

Don't Left field.

Speaker 1:

This is a question Y'all can find his book who Kicked First through Amazon. Okay, If you buy it through us, we'll probably autograph it for you. That's it which I would go by. Who Kicked First and the prequel's on the way, and you'll learn about this piece of shit who caused so much devastation in my wife's life and my daughter's life so the listener wanted to know what was the listener?

Speaker 1:

wanted to know if we cannot vocalize this because you said it's considered a threat what if he knocked on the door saying I want to see her, or?

Speaker 1:

whatever. Well, since I don't recall what he looks like and yes, I did Big agitated vomit See him at least one time in court. You also met him before court. That was like 20 years ago, 20 something years ago. I promise you, if you said that's him on the camera, my shotgun would unloaded him without hesitation. If you said that is him coming down the drive right now walking to the front door and he is standing at the front door ringing our doorbell, that you know our shotgun is loaded and that shotgun would be the first thing that he sees.

Speaker 2:

Well, that's because he would be violent. Let me make sure I, okay. He is violating protective orders and permanent restraining orders, yes, and his rights have been terminated, yes. Well, what if, after getting to that age, he comes around and wants what age that she is and he wants to spend time?

Speaker 1:

with her. Okay, so Maybe they're asking for their own situation. Whatever legal terminology you want to use, he has absolutely no rights. He did not want the child, okay, he did not want the child, he did not want the baby, he did not want the little girl he did not want. And now you're saying he wants the adult, right? There's a question asked. Okay, so I don't want to cause spoilers, but he attempted everything he could to not, how would you say, have a life in jail, correct? So therefore he abandoned, gave up, disregarded, no regard, whatever you want to say, just didn't want anything. So, therefore, if he comes here, he's not coming for something he wants Other than to cause more damage to you and our daughter. Right, if someone comes on our property, it's they're either coming to rape, steal, heal In my life, my family's life, are in danger. I was in fear of their safety, of their life. I was in fear of my life. So why did you shoot him 18 times with a shotgun, mr Michael? Well, that's all the rounds I had, sir.

Speaker 2:

If you could say something to Idiot. My address is If you could say something to Idiot what's your address About him saying something to you about that being his child? What would you say? Absolutely not.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely not. I said I'll prove this to you. Come here, daughter.

Speaker 2:

I wouldn't want her to see him.

Speaker 1:

No, but it would be proof and I'll say who's your daddy. Are you going to say it like that?

Speaker 2:

No, Okay, and I'll say who's your daddy. Are you going to say it like that? Yeah, the other question, part of the question, is how, as a father, would you react if you found out that they were in contact with each other and you didn't know about it at first? Something along that line with our daughter.

Speaker 1:

Wow, I would really be disappointed in our daughter. Oh, wow, I would really really be disappointed in our daughter not coming forward with this and allowing poison to be put in our head knowing faith oh, she didn't give an earful.

Speaker 2:

She just about verbally castrated him. Yeah, and then she'd tell us right, but what would you do at that?

Speaker 1:

point. I would have a stern talk to our daughter. Okay, and I would. I would forbid it, but I would also allow her to make that choice. Does that make sense? You'd allow her to make what choice? To cut it off?

Speaker 2:

Or to keep talking with him. No, then what choice is there? To stop it off or to keep talking with?

Speaker 1:

him no.

Speaker 2:

Then what choice is there?

Speaker 1:

To stop it right now or that's not a choice.

Speaker 2:

That's not an option Options are two different things. That's the same thing. It's a choice, no it's not.

Speaker 1:

She either continues to talk to him or doesn't. That's a choice. Hey, that's your choice Stop talking or stop communicating.

Speaker 2:

Would you communicate with him at that point no, I get his number no hmm, I don't like your hypotheticals it was a question asked. I gotta just look and see what platform it was on, maybe our listener was in the same situation. What would you do if you found out that somebody who is a really bad piece of shit and I'm trying to think like somebody else would.

Speaker 1:

I don't know guys, gals, this piece of shit really did a lot of damage to my wife and my daughter and hurt them both so much and I'm not giving them credit, okay, but for our daughter to be in contact with that thing, it would crush my heart. So much, and just so much disappointment, because, okay, there may be one sentimental value in your head thinking oh, I want to reach out to my real biological, you know, father, whatever I don't, you know, he's still my dad. But think back all those years. He's never wanted, she never wanted pain and and how much misery these girls' lives have been in. Do y'all know that just my wife alone has had over 100 surgeries. Okay, faith has had half that. She reached a milestone 50 surgeries. Is that normal? It's not normal, though it's because of these monsters that think beating women and taking drugs to prevent pregnancies and doing whatever to their significant other is okay, you know.

Speaker 2:

So then, why do you think he was afraid of me after I gave birth?

Speaker 1:

Because you could whip their ass. Just ask the concrete blocks he broke. You know the national championship martial arts tournaments you competed in.

Speaker 2:

But he openly said the reason I started beating her, what I did, is because she was pregnant. He knew that if he had touched me when I wasn't pregnant, I would not have stayed and I would have fought back.

Speaker 1:

See, a lot of us guys. We don't understand why the women stay in these guys' lives and as a cop I can attest to that. I often use this example that as a cop I would go to Mary's house for disturbance or an affray, a fight or something, a domestic violence and when my partner and I would show up there we'd find Mary, and forgive me if your name's Mary, I'll just use the Mary as an example.

Speaker 2:

Before you continue this, is a perfect opportunity.

Speaker 2:

You want people to know what it's like, who've never been through this, who torment and torture their family members, like parents and siblings that aren't there for their kids, that don't know what this is like. Be the officer and let me be that battered woman. Knock on the door and I will answer, or I will respond to my interrogational questions that you ask me as that battered woman, not as me now, and they will see what it's really like. They need a reality because they're not there when this happens. They're not there to see what their daughter, their sister, their brother, their brother, whoever it is go through, and so, instead of supporting and helping, what they do instead is cut them down. At their lowest they are supportive.

Speaker 2:

You should have said why didn't you leave? Why did you stay? I would never let this happen to me. I would never let somebody raise a hand at me. Blah, blah, blah, blah. They don't know what it's like at that moment. So interrogate me, be the officer, let them hear what it's like, and I've been that person. I've had the officer there time and time again who turned their head and said, hey, he's one of ours, so you know, let her go. And nothing happened to him. I mean he killed a dog, he killed his dad. I mean, let's just keep going down the line and nothing ever happened. He broke my face in front of his commander. What did they do? Not a damn thing. So let this be an awareness opportunity for people to see what to do. Go.

Speaker 1:

Well, y'all, she's fired up right now.

Speaker 2:

Because if it helps one person, it's worth it. We never answer on the first knock. We're petrified to go to the door. See, that's something else I didn't know. We are petrified.

Speaker 1:

Ma'am the police.

Speaker 2:

Who normally answers that door.

Speaker 1:

Probably the fella, that's right.

Speaker 2:

I'm not moving. I'm still sitting on the couch.

Speaker 1:

Sir, I'm Officer So-and-so. This is Officer So-and-so. We're here about a service call. Is anyone else in the house with you? Or your small wife is here? I don't know. Sir, we need to see your wife. Can you step back away from the door and come in? Can they say no, may we come?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

If they say no, sir, we have to check on the safety of the young lady that you just mentioned, your wife and any other person in the house. So we're going to have to come in and check that out. Sir, do you have any weapons in the house on you about your person? Well, we've got some weapons upstairs. Okay, sir, we're going to stay down here for our safety. Do I have any weapons on me? No, sir, just got my hands and my belt buckle, alright? Does it have a knife in there? No, alright, sir, where's your wife? Hi, ma'am, can you come on out? Ma'am, can you step over here for a minute? Ma'am, I'm an officer, so-and-so. We got a call from one of your neighbors. They heard screaming and shouting, sounded like things were breaking. Are you all right? Mm-hmm, what happened to your face? I fell, you fell, mm-hmm. Did you fall on a hand? Because it looks like a handprint was on the right side of your face.

Speaker 2:

My husband tried to catch me.

Speaker 1:

Your husband tried to catch you. Is this your husband? Right here behind me Talk to my other partner? Yes, and there's a spot on your left arm and right arm. On the inside it appears to be a thumbprint in the form of a bruise. What happened there? He tried to catch me by my arms. And he has a third arm for your face.

Speaker 2:

I fell multiple times.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I see, and can you tell me how you busted your lip? I hit the table when I fell. Okay, and what's your name? Susie. Susie, have we been out here before? Susie, maybe, okay, do you have a driver's license? I do, but he has it. He won't let me have it. Okay, my partner's probably going to get on the run and we'll find out how many times we've been here in the past. Susie, do you need medical attention?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Susie, I think you need medical attention. I'm starting to see yellow bruise around your neck. Did something happen to your neck? Had to when I found it. Susie. How many times did you fall? At least two Susie. What many times did you fall? At least two Susie. What are you not telling me?

Speaker 2:

Nothing. I need to go be next to my husband.

Speaker 1:

He's speaking with my other officer right now. Yeah, I know, but I can't just sit here. Susie, can I see your hands for a minute? I would hope that you would. Well, I need to see your fingers, in particular. Why there's some claw marks on your husband's face. I just want to know how they got there.

Speaker 2:

I tried to grab hold of him when I was following him, I see.

Speaker 1:

So how did the coffee table get busted up? That's what I happened to. Okay, is there anything? Children here? No, any animals, not anymore. And how many guns did your husband have? More than I know of. Okay, susie, I'm going to go ahead and tell you right now, just from the totalitarian circumstances that I see, you're going to arrest people. No, ma'am, i're going to arrest me. No, ma'am, I'm going to arrest your husband. That's not what normally happens. Well, I'm going to have to talk with my partner and we're going to detain your husband and probably place him under arrest. I'll just come home and get mad again. And my suggestion, susie, is that you pack your bags, your belongings. Why do I have to be? Why he's incarcerated? I don't have anywhere to go. Well, he knows where this house is.

Speaker 2:

maybe I don't have anywhere to go and I don't have any money. Well, go to the bank, I can't. He has all the cards. So then, what do you have?

Speaker 1:

a friend you call but I can't live there forever. Why do I have to leave when he's the?

Speaker 2:

bad one cards. So then what? Do you not have a friend you call, but I can't live there forever. Why do I have to leave when he's the bad one?

Speaker 1:

Well, when he gets out, I'm sure he's going to be quite upset, right, and we know how these things go.

Speaker 2:

No, how do they go?

Speaker 1:

He's going to take it all out on you again.

Speaker 2:

You don't think? You guys being here, he's not going to take it out on me the minute you leave.

Speaker 1:

Well, we're going to take him away tonight.

Speaker 2:

He'll make bail tonight. He'll come home tonight.

Speaker 1:

So, jay, you've got to find a place to go, you've got to get away from this.

Speaker 2:

I have no money. He won't let me work, I have nowhere to go Well.

Speaker 1:

I've got some numbers of shelters around here.

Speaker 2:

I have to go to a shelter and he gets to stay in the home that I give and look for him. Why is that a figure? How is that a figure?

Speaker 1:

It's not a figure.

Speaker 2:

Well then, send him to the shelter.

Speaker 1:

We are. It's called jail tonight. Then he gets out Because we're going to press charges.

Speaker 2:

And then he gets out.

Speaker 1:

Because I assume you're not going to press charges on him.

Speaker 2:

No, this is a tough call right on the police officers, but more times, statistically, it is the victim who gets incarcerated over the abuser because she has signs of her defending herself on her person, and she gets incarcerated more frequently than the abuser does. And that's wrong, that's not okay. I mean is it?

Speaker 1:

is it because the the man or the male makes the women look stupid?

Speaker 2:

well, it's not just that. I mean, they try to say, oh, I didn't do anything and I just don't even know why she came over and attacked me. You know, I was accused of strangling myself and I had thumbprints on my throat. How do you put thumbprints on your throat in the choking position when it is you, you know, when it's yourself? How can you do that to yourself? What are you showing me? Why are you showing me this? I don't understand.

Speaker 1:

I should explain later.

Speaker 2:

I'm so confused now it's okay how do you put? If you look at your two hands, which I can't do anymore, if you look at your two hands, which I can't do anymore. But if you look at your two hands and you look at your throat, how can you strangle yourself, having your thumb end up making marks of bruising right where you swallow, where your throat is? How do you? You can't do that, especially because the four fingers left bruises around the sides of my throat.

Speaker 1:

You swallow where your throat is how do you? How?

Speaker 2:

you can't do that especially because the four fingers left bruises around the sides of my throat and the police and the federal police actually measured from the bruising and measured his thumbs and they were the same width and same height. And compare and I have little hands and they were the same width and same height. And compare and I have little hands and they were the same. And also they checked the spacing of the fingers around the sides of my neck and he broke my hyoid bone.

Speaker 2:

So what a lot of people don't know is, once that's broken, you have about 60 seconds and my eyes filled up with blood, um, I all my blood vessels, my eyes popped and I even got this red. I don't know what you're gonna call it. There you go, I have this like red um on my eyelid that came out from it and my throat closes up a lot and I didn't know this was very common. But when you've been strang, there's a lot of times that you'll have to go and have it stretched open because your throat will close up so easy and you'll choke on food easier, which happened to me numerous times. But, like, if I get laryngitis because of the throat damage I have, my laryngitis lasts a lot longer because of the damage to my vocal cords from being cut off, and it happened when I was pregnant.

Speaker 1:

It's funny that you know how we were talking here and ended that little skit that your service dog, sucko, came up to check on you, that's my baby. You're checking on mama buddy.

Speaker 2:

That's my boy.

Speaker 1:

He's my baby, yep. So to the viewer, the listener that asked the question, my wife will get the specific question. Hopefully I answered it.

Speaker 2:

You can say anything to him without anything illegal. Oh my gosh, it's so hard.

Speaker 1:

Everybody, everybody, listen to us and if they've read your book, good God they're. They're a hundred% on your side well, not everybody. I can give you a couple names that read your book what about those in? It. No, he's one of them so he can't read, but regardless, we'll get your question answered if I did say thank you, I appreciate you listening and being very attentive, it can be answered.

Speaker 1:

It's like because when I went to court, yeah, but I don't want folks to say well, mr Michael is threatening to kill somebody on the show when I went to court and I asked for permanent protective order permanent restraining order.

Speaker 2:

I made it very clear. I said we had a closed courtroom because it involved a minor child and I said your Honor, I want it to go on court record right now that I will never seek his place of employment, I will never seek his place of residency, I will never go after him, I will never hit him first, I will never go anywhere with knowledge that he would be at that facility. However, if he violates the restraining order, if he violates the protective order, and I feel that my daughter and or myself, who are both now disabled, are in harm's way, I have the right to stop the threat.

Speaker 2:

I will not hit him first, I will hit him last. I will not seek out his residence or his employment. I said I want that on the record. However, if he crossed that line and I feel threatened or my daughter is threatened, I have the right to stop the threat. And he looks over at the judge. The judge looked at him and said this, unfortunately is not a criminal courtroom today, or however he worded it. And he said so let me ask how many times did you hit her? And straight face, he said if I hit her once, I hit her 200 times. And he said and what would you do when you hit her? He said if she cried, I'd hit her again. If she cried, I'd kick her again. If I stabbed her and she cried, I'd stab her again. And he said do you know that when you're an alcoholic.

Speaker 1:

If you want to get drunk, you have to drink more.

Speaker 2:

He's like it's the same thing as being a fighter, a boxer, and he said I follow boxing. That's what the judge said. He said so for that boxer to go up in category, or whatever it is, for his tournament, he has to get stronger and stronger against his opponent. So he said so you basically trained her to tolerate everything that you've done. And he said, outside of pulling the trigger, there's nothing you can't come up with that I haven't done to her. And he said you have taught her to handle your hand. And he was like yes, and I said your honor, I will never hit him first. I just want that on the record. Life is too short.

Speaker 2:

I want to spend it with my daughter, my daughter, not his, never was a hundred percent, only mine. That's my child and if I feel our life is in danger, I will stop the threat. And he looks over at him and he says you just got an overview of what will happen if you cross that line.

Speaker 2:

If you cross that line and you, you know, violate your restraining order or criminal trespass order and you hit her. She's going to kill you and get away with it. And that is what the judge said. He looked at that judge and said I want a restraining order against her. And I looked at the judge with complete disbelief and I just looked over and I was like what? And the judge said to me, said my name and said I want you to stand there for just a minute and use this as a stepping stone in the first part of your healing.

Speaker 2:

Because he just admitted he's scared of you and he's afraid of what you will do. And I said are you kidding me? And he said that is what he's asking for. And he openly admitted he never hit me until I was pregnant because he was afraid of what I would do. He threw all my martial art training and all that other stuff out there, you know, and he told the judge I made a deal with him that I wouldn't fight him back as long as he didn't hit my stomach. Because the first thing you ever learn, even in law enforcement, when you go to the academy, is you de-escalate the situation. Well, when you have a son of a bitch straddling over you in your sleep and punching you in the face, telling you to wake the F up. Bitch, I'm thirsty, go get me something to drink. You know that you're not going to deescalate that situation at that moment.

Speaker 2:

You know, when you're left on the side of a two lane highway in the middle of the night without slippers on and you're pregnant and you're walking down the dark interstate by yourself hoping some 18 wheeler picks you up because it couldn't be worse than what you're already in, that is a situation you cannot de-escalate at that moment. So as soon as I wasn't pregnant anymore, everything changed, and everything changed quickly. So so I think I made my point very clear and I still stand by that. I don't go anywhere near where he is. I don't go anywhere near where he works or where he lives or anything like that. You know, he changes his appearance all the time, constantly changes his appearance, and at one point I knew where he was and checked on it, maybe every month. And then I checked on it maybe every six months and maybe once a year. And you know, am I afraid of him? No, absolutely not. You know I am not. You know I am not. Our home has everything from three big dogs to 20 cameras that record every leaf falling in the neighborhood.

Speaker 2:

I just saw that yesterday To motion sensors, to window alarms, to alarms, to lights To lights, because we work with special needs and we work with survivors of abuse and we have had them here and we want them to be comfortable and feel safe. Not to mention my husband. I will never admit this anywhere else again. So if you want to take this clip and keep it Only on paper he was like the top shooter of like everywhere Went back in the day. He was the best shooter in that competition. He was the best he can shoot. I'll give him that he can shoot and you know he and I both carry everywhere we go and it's. Am I scared of him? No, not even one percent.

Speaker 1:

I'm not so. Here's the hard thing. My wife is due her justice, but it's not mine to get. If this son of a bitch came after you, it's hard for me to not protect my family?

Speaker 2:

Yeah but you wouldn't know to laugh at us, right? Because I wouldn't know to laugh at us, right? You wouldn't know, because I wouldn't show my face. But he would walk up to us, wherever we were, and smack me in front of you. He would he done it a million times, he would do it, he wouldn't care, he would just walk up the same things. He's invincible. And he would walk up and hit me in front of you. Now, I will, you know, he hit me whatever. But if he was dumb enough to approach us somewhere and he went after Faith, we're in a whole different category, because I'd be like babe, can you take Faith to the bathroom for a minute, please, or can you take her outside? It would be something for you to not realize that you are moving her out of the way.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah our other two dogs seem to want to come in the room. They're banging on the door.

Speaker 2:

I just think it's a coward. I mean, how you go to bed at night and get up in the morning yourself in the mirror, knowing that you harm women and children, that just shocks me. I mean, how do you, how do you sleep at night knowing that you're causing harm to women and kids and animals? How do you do that? How do you go to sleep at night? How do you sleep? How do you literally go to sleep knowing that you're this piece of shit that is so unhappy in your own life that you take that out on women and children and animals? And it's just, it's ridiculous to even think about that.

Speaker 2:

Well, Victoria, that was a good episode I think people need to see that role play because they don't understand. They don't they. They don't understand what it's like for someone in that situation, what it's like at that moment.

Speaker 2:

You know, the women, specifically, are very protective of their abuser because they have learned that they are controlled by their abuser. That person controls everything. They control every aspect of their life and they forget who they are. It's like when you hear every single day, I love you, you know I love you, you know I'm in love with you. You know it and you believe it. When you hear every single day, you're ugly, no one's ever going to want you, then you begin to believe it and you know I'm giving you a roof over your head. You didn't do what I say, so now I've got to train you and treat you like the bad soldier that you are. And it's just. You hear this every single day. You begin to really believe that perception that you're given and that becomes who you are and you have body dysphoria and you have all sorts of other things. Nobody would ever want you. Who would ever want to be with someone who's ugly like?

Speaker 2:

you, you know people feel bad for me. I mean, I said from the jump he wasn't a good looking guy, but he found my weak spot, which was I wanted a family and I wanted a family, really, really bad and he portrayed that he was a huge family man and I was never dishonest about the fact that I did not find him attractive. I told him.

Speaker 2:

Up until and on the wedding day, I was not in love with him. He said you're just still hung up on. Well, you, I was still hung up on Michael, and I didn't deny it. He said you will Just let the guard down, let the walls down, and you'll fall in love with me. And I was on the bathroom floor with my palm, pilot looking at return airfare, because I didn't want to be there. I did not want to be there and I knew something was horribly wrong. And I'll tell you what. I'll give you a little laughter about it. I got married and I was wearing black. I did, and when we went to unite the candle, it bounced off and caught his lapel on fire. I'm not kidding. So he ended up with all this like now, this hot wax all over him. So in the pictures I had to be in front, in front of him, yeah, so it was almost like a sign that they were telling me that he's going to be damned to hell for it, because, yeah.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yep, I just want to know what he's thinking right now. If you could only see his face, what are you thinking right now?

Speaker 1:

That there is a special place for evil like that, because if y'all read her book who Kicked First, y'all would agree that this is an evil monster and unfortunately there may be some of y'all living with that monster now.

Speaker 2:

And you deserve to get out of it. You do not fall for the crap they say. You know you always hear misery loves company, and that's just so true. But you are a beautiful person inside and out, and if you feel like your inside is just dying little by little, there is still that tiny flicker of light, and I say this all the time that that tiny little flicker can start a wildfire.

Speaker 2:

And one thing I had to do think of something that you love, and I'm looking my husband straight in the eyes when I say this there were times I couldn't have ice packs in the house, so I would lay on the cold bathroom floor on my face because I had so much swelling I couldn't put anything on it to cool it. So the cold floor was what I got and I had to clean up all the blood before he would return so he wouldn't see it and it wouldn't be a trigger. But I would lay there and my husband does this wonderful thing where he runs his hand a certain way down my face, and I've never been able to emulate it and I would lay there and think, yes, I'm not going to lie. There were times I wish I would have just died, it would have been over with. But then I would feel face kicking like, hey, you selfish bastard, I'm here too. You can't just give up because I'm here. And after that I never, ever, ever thought about it again, because she was there and she's. All I wanted was to be a mom, and so I would lay there. There was not a day that went by that I did not think about you and I would sit there and think, okay, let me think of this schedule. Is he working today? Will he be off today? Is he thinking? Will he be off today? Is he on or off tonight? And I would think about this every day and I would try to emulate the feeling of your hand on my face, and I could not get it to feel the same as when you did it and I kept thinking if survive this, I'll never feel it again. So if you are in that situation right now, let me tell you there's a few things that you can do. Go back and think about someone that you love, someone that means something to you, that you had now been excluded from because I know they had excluded you from your friends and probably also from your family and think about that and fight for that feeling of love because you can have it again. It again. He is not the things he is saying to you.

Speaker 2:

I am working on getting up and running. It's going to be on lemon squeezy. It'll be a contagious smile um dot lemon squeezy, dot com, I believe. And it's going to be digital workbooks. Because I purchased a book on how to try to safely get out of the situation and it was in my office and he showed up and luckily, my assistant God bless her she and I had gone to lunch and I told her I had gotten this book. She came in to get quote unquote files and grabbed the book before you could see it and it was sitting there.

Speaker 2:

Now I've created a bunch of different digital workbooks that you can have on your computer that you don't have to print. You most certainly can, but in that situation you can go back and put them under a different file or the folder and refer to them as you need to, and that way it's not something printed you can find and you can do it at work or on your phone or somewhere else. And it talks about all different aspects of the abuse you know and different variations and even healing journeys and ways to help overcome these things, and I'm in the process of finishing one for how to help trauma recovery for abuse when it comes to kids seeing it. So I'm trying to get all of these done so that there is a catalog of information accessible for you at that time. And if you cannot afford it, please send me an email, victoria, at a contagious smilecom, and if you're in this situation, I will cop this for you. I will my husband's like that, because I didn't even mention this to him. I will cop this for you.

Speaker 2:

Whatever you need, I am there to talk, to listen, to vent, to cry, to hold your hand, to listen, give you a lending ear, help you prepare documents. Whatever it is you need, you are not alone. I was. I don't ever want anyone to feel that way again. If you go on the site and say I really need this, but he watches every penny I can't spend on, say I really need this, but he watches every penny I can't spend on, reach out to me and I will give it to you. I will give this to you because no amount of money is worth your life and I will help every way that I can. I'm gonna be quiet now because my husband has this look on his face and I love you okay, you're doing great, babe, you're doing absolutely great.

Speaker 1:

And guys, you are beautiful too. What you mentioned, you are out there that are beautiful. You are specifically speaking generally to the women.

Speaker 1:

I'm not speaking to anyone, but there are beautiful guys out there that are being abused by their partners. Are you the bi-women? Yes, I was going to say especially the bi-women, but you know I'm prone to say especially my women. But you know I'm prone to being with women. I've never beat you, no, not you, others and guys, you don't have to take it okay. So what you can do is use, because we know that if we speak up as men, it's going to be an argument and that's what a lot of us try to avoid. Another argument because that nagging don't take this wrong way, babe the nagging that the endless, the ceaseless ending of their just yammering and just jaw jacking and just putting us down and disrespecting us and telling us you know what kind of trash we are and how stupid we are and you know it's their money and all this very important.

Speaker 2:

Okay, you had that before. 100 transparency have I done any of those things to you? No, let me explain why I say that because I want everyone to hear from you as a man I appreciate you being so forthcoming and saying this is that you can be in the gates of hell. You can be where you are right now and think you're not worth loving and think that you're a piece of crap, because that's what you're hearing every single day. But I'm sitting here looking at the love of my life, that. But I knew that I met my soulmate and, no matter what we went through, I knew that I would have that feeling of that hand on my face again and you are worth fighting for it and you can find your soulmate not mine, because he is off the record.

Speaker 2:

But other than him you can find your significant other it's worth fighting for, because I wouldn't trade it for a thing. And even though where you are right now I have been and you want to give up and don't think you're worth it, let me tell you you absolutely are and you can be with someone who is not abusive. That's what I wanted him to tell you. He has been with abusive exes and I don't want to put words in his mouth, but I think it's fair to say I have not ever abused him, right. So, okay, go ahead now that that didn't wait.

Speaker 1:

I love this one with y'all. We're always on the same page. But y'all, if you know it's going to be an argument coming, go ahead and speak up. Tell that woman this is it. Okay, tell them, this is it. If you're threatening to leave me, then go ahead and leave. Pack your bags and leave, or, better yet, I'll leave, okay. Then you know that argument's coming. Use that fuel, continue that road. Hey, I'm leaving. That's it. I'm packing my stuff. I'm leaving. I don't need this. Okay, I'm not going to sit here and take this foolishness.

Speaker 1:

Every day, I work 12, 16 hours a day. I come home. I can't even have money. I have to get an allowance from you. I get eggs and beans for dinner and most time I have to make my own PB&J. The house is a mess and you're spending all our money or I guess it's your money now, since I go out and work for it and that's all I do and I'm the slob, I'm the piece of shit, you know. So, guys, y'all can walk away, I promise you you can do a thousand times better.

Speaker 1:

Okay, there is a soulmate out there for you. Okay, I know it's it's. It's hard to believe that, but once you, you know, slide down that rainbow and that pot of gold and there you are, standing there looking at your soulmate. You'll say, damn, that guy was right. He was a crazy redneck, but he was right. This is the love of my life. Y'all know we stare at each other every day that we do these podcasts. We just, most of the time I hold her hand, but we just stare at each other's eyes when we talk.

Speaker 2:

We do it, even when we're not podcasting Sit beside each other.

Speaker 1:

Now there are times when I do sit beside our daughter, Faith.

Speaker 2:

And we're still like footsie-ing under the table.

Speaker 1:

You know something, something has happened, something transpired, like you know, after surgeries. You know she wants a little bit more attention.

Speaker 2:

But she's adorable because she takes your arm and my arm and you know what's really sweet is when we go somewhere she catches people eyeing my nub, she puts it under her arm and proudly walks beside me and she'll be like what are you looking at? And that is just my girl, that's my baby, you know.

Speaker 1:

So I'll take this out. I think we've been long-winded tonight. I don't know what time we started. Take this out. I think we've been long with it tonight. I don't know what time we started. But thank you all for listening to another episode of the Contagious Smiles Unstoppable, with our beautiful, sexy vixen, one-armed bandit, wife Metal. Wife Metal she's titanium. Oh, isn't that a song? It is. So continue to reach out to us and follow us on everything. I don't know how many platforms we're on, so continue to reach out to us and follow us on everything. I don't know how many platforms we're on now. Everything. Life keeps going up and up. And look for her book and her new book coming out. You can type her name, victoria Curie, on Amazon or anywhere, and you'll see a plethora of books, and then, anywhere you listen to your podcasts, we're there and please visit our website at contagioussmilecom and peruse everything, every tab, every click, every button, and share us with people.

Speaker 1:

And share yes, share, Because there's someone out there, your next door neighbor, someone in your family is being abused right now To thank mom, grandma, daughter, sister one of the four Right so just share the website.

Speaker 2:

They talk to us. It's confidential. I have a support group. It's confidential. I vet every person and you're safe. You have to know you have a safe place to go to to talk, to be heard. You have that with us.

Speaker 1:

Sure thing or location. If y'all come on our show and want to be a guest speaker, an interviewer, or maybe y'all want to interview us, reach out to us. You can contact us at the bottom of our webpage. We'll get back to you. So thank y'all for listening Be sure to check out her books and my daughter's book, our daughter's books. They're also on Amazon, and what else? Look forward to your new book coming out, lord Mark, who's there?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and my sweet husband did the epilogue.

Speaker 1:

I was in a mood that day. I almost got it right. Bye, y'all. Have a good night, bye.

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